Tuesday, November 28, 2023

11.28.23 Make-over

I've begun to work on books for our businesses. Lia gets bored watching me type and type. She decided I needed a makeover and was thrilled to try out her ideas on my face. 

Lipstick is so exciting to younger girls. She was sure Greg was going to love me so much more with lipstick. She also darkened my eyebrows. She mostly stayed in the lines. 

She was thrilled with the results. 

Merle woke up in time to get a lipstick kiss too. The reason I don't love lipstick it gets everywhere. 

Another big part of the day is watering the cows. Thankfully it has been pretty temperate. We have only needed sweatshirts and gloves. This week an inversion has set in and thus out come the Carhart and long johns. We have beautiful evening skies though we are always impressed with the colors and calm while watering the cows. 

We celebrated some birthdays with our two return missionaries. It was nice to be able to celebrate with them. I can hardly believe they have been part of my life for so many years now numbering decades. I'm sure pleased with who they have become. 

At school, there was a lifting contest. John wasn't up for 275 to bench press. Mark was there to give an assist. John did master 260 no problem. I don't think Mark lifted that day officially. 

The kids have been inside a lot more playing and playing and scratching and fighting. Oh how we miss the outside of summer. Thankfully we are still battling the many leaves on the ground. So if kids get too out of line they are outside raking and picking up another pile of leaves. 
We got to spend time with our Ward cousins. Sarah loved Andrea and was good to play with her while here. 

Andrea spends a lot of time doing what she sees her siblings doing. She is really interested in books, as they are. Between homework and pleasure, a lot of noses are in books every day here. 

 Seasons change, days and years pass and we continue working to improve and grow. We deal with setbacks and habits that aren't positive. We work to repent and do better. Uncle Larry sent a letter suggesting we spend TIME every day developing a relationship with the Savior and God by reading the scriptures. He explained no one can give that knowledge to you, you have to work to earn it. I loved that.So we continue to adjust and work to become better. Life is good and made over everyday. 

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