Tuesday, December 26, 2023

12.26.23 Together days

This is such a rare winter day where the sky can be seen and the sun is bright. Most days are gray and hazy. We loved the sunny days and worked to be outside in them to revive our hearts and minds. 
There is so much lasting history on the farm, to memorable to be removed and such a waste of space. But it's not mine and the decisions are out of my control. We still get a lot of function out of the boneyard of the past. 

To be more efficient this year we made appointments to carol to our friends. This allowed for us to spend our time visiting and singing to people instead of just driving around to empty houses. This family shared a song they were working to learn for the Christmas program in our ward. It was fun to see another family collaborating through music. We so enjoy seeing so many friends during the month of December we eat brownies, cookies, and cinnamon rolls the whole month through while our evenings are spent enjoying beautiful decorations, hugs, and good times playing with new toys at various friends' houses. It's really a fun month. 

Greg and I hurried to Nyssa one evening to watch Grandma get awarded volunteer of the month for her work in the grade school. This volunteer grandparent has blessed her and the school children so much. 
Carl, grandma, and my mom. Carl said it was the first time he had seen his mom get an award. 

Aliza did some french braid instruction for the younger girls. We are all about braids at our house. This is Afton.
Addie got her wisdom teeth removed. She did well and we all learned how Addie manages pain and discomfort. She worried about every small change, took lots of pain meds, and still hurt and got through it. She's doing much better almost two weeks out now. 
We celebrated our 23 years of marriage and with our daughters home I got this lovely bouquet. We went to the temple and Texas Roadhouse. I'm so thankful for our marriage and the promise of eternity to be together. The calm, confidence, and courage marriage has given me through the years is so important to me. 
Millie needs more to do that challenges her active brain. We took on the project of making Andrea some clothes. Millie operating the sewing machine for the first time. We had to pick out a bit but mostly the sewing  was well done. 
Finished project. 
A dear family friend decided to provide the 12 days of Christmas for us. The kids really enjoyed the various presents and treats each day. The givers were so cleaver. 
The long-awaited football awards were given this bittersweet event was another recap of a great experience filled with sorrow and frustration. I was very impressed with the coach though encouraging and highlighting the great careers and efforts of all the young men that played. 

Coach said he was very impressed with the growth John showed from his Freshman to Senior year. He got 2nd team all state and district. 
Haueter, John, Tamez, and Skyler Cade. These guys are the runners that John protected for. Also good friends. 
Evan, John, Rual, Colton, Chaz, Gino -the offensive line and quarterback. 
At home we had a visit from Bree and Marcus I showed them how to crack walnuts. I love doing this busy activity to keep my hands busy while talking with my kids. 
Getting ready for scripture study. 
We had some significant snowfall and the kids were able to enjoy it for a few hours. 
I love when the snow falls on days they are home. 

My two cuties. Andrea is learning to smile and is warming up to this big family that is hers. 
More time in the book of life passed. Together and full. We were all together this December. Never again like this but different and good as the days and years roll by. Sometimes it makes me sick and worried we will change and others I'm profoundly grateful to have this journey at all.
A wise friend Dana Bowns shared she has come to understand that is part of eternity. The good feelings we have now and yearn for more time in can be ours in eternity. So these good times of family and peace can be had there as well. 
We had plenty of tears and teasing. So much fighting outside of these quick pictures. Oh, every night I was chastising kids saying this is the last or first time we are all together please just get along, please be nice, please stop embracing contention. And sometimes they got spanked, and sometimes, they got put outside to stop crying, and sometimes we just went to bed. It's not easy or all happy faces being contained in one small space. But there were moments of smiles and enjoyment. And with that, the clear reality is we need to stretch out and develop our own lives. Those that have gone Anna, Harold, Aliza will be fine and are ready and wanting more in their lives. That is good and how it should be. So we captured some great together and look forward to the differences that are inevitably coming. 


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