Sunday, December 31, 2023

12.31.23 Christmas Break Home MTC

We had an impromptu Come follow me lesson after church on New Year's Eve with the Sandberg family leading. It was fun to see the kids work together and Uncle Richard lead a good discussion. 
Bruce and Uncle Richard leading the music. 

I was really struck by how much BRuce will grow in the next 12 years and will most likely be bigger than this older brother. They happened to be dressed similarly today. The human body is just amazing. Both were thrilled to have their picture taken. 
MY three redhead sons. Handsome big men who make me smile. 
At-home scripture study. Bruce has really come a long way since starting school he is now able to read about 70% of the words himself. We are thankful for his development and ability to work hard.
These two were thumb-wrestling. I was struck by how much they looked alike. Their movements, laughs, and expressions were so similar. I love that they have time to interact together.

The main event of the week has been facilitating Home MTC for Aliza. She has taken seriously the charge to always have a companion. In between classes, she has classes she comes home for a break. Various siblings walk her back and forth to grandma's house. She has been very happy and confident through the experience. I love seeing her so happy.
We celebrated my youngest sisters birthday with some games at the church gym. Basketball for some. 
Volleyball for others. 

Some younger less experienced basketball guys. 

Then some volleyball. It was painfully slow letting everyone have a turn but also so important to have a space where you could try and gain experience. 
Aliza spent so much time on Zoom learning and getting introduced to Mission practices. She also read some books while zooming, and bound a quilt we hurriedly put together for her mission bedding. She zoomed at Grandma Saunders where it was a bit more quiet.  
Aunt Jill's family came for a quick visit and Aunt Alena made Lava cakes. Yum. 
Bruce's main pen pal Zane. Zane is Afton's age but close to the same size as Bruce. Bruce is taller. They have a good time together. 
So out with the old spent a year and onto a year of changing and leaving. While I haven't been sleeping well with worry and odd concerns I'm also comforted that my kids seem to be prepared and confident in their next steps. It's hard to have my family "broken-up" or apart for the next several years but as my dad wisely texted me you are raising them to be adults, not perpetual children. Truth. As we look forward to potty training Andrea soon that is a huge milestone for our family no more diapers!!! Likewise having kids successfully directing their lives is what we do all this work for. 

As Aliza has progressed through the week I have not held back on one last "you don't have to do this" speech. But listening to her share her experiences and how she is already coaching, comforting, and testifying to her peers I know and felt the spirit witness to me she is needed to do this for the Lord right now. And watching the MTC parent devotional tonight I again had that confirmation I can make this sacrifice and I'm pleased with her resolve and ability to gain and act on inspiration given directly to her through the Holy Ghost. I'm sure we are all going to learn a lot as she grows and shares. We are so blessed and here's to another year to be tried, tested, and continue to choose Jesus, forgiveness, love, and laughter. 

As I Age sometimes I can laugh at the hardness of the situation. I'm thankful for that switch in life. I still get plenty mad most of the time but sometimes I see the ridiculousness of all the frustration and we just have a good belly laugh with tears rolling down the face. Then we get to work addressing whatever the problem is. Life is good like that hopefully as we grow and mature while enduring the same trials again and again we begin to see that's just life just how it goes. Problems come and answers must be found. Another year another time to work to improve and become better. Life is good. 

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