Tuesday, December 5, 2023

12.5.23 Little sisters

The little sisters have been figuring out ways to use their natural curiosity and energy while the big kids are away. I find it funny that they only think of these shapes as building blocks. Oh well better than just throwing them away. 
Bruce is learning to write stories this year. His tale about Thanksgiving included this line about his cousin Sam visiting. I think it curious he used the adjective old to describe Sam who is quite a bit younger than he. 
I'm on a weight lifting journey. The kids see me exercise on the weekends. Lia and Andrea are also trying out lifting weights. Addie is studying her running book. 

Andrea really likes me and Addie right now. She was struggling with sleeping at night but allowed or demanded Addie to hold her tight and she went to sleep like this. I can't see how that is comfortable for either daughter but oh well nap accomplished. 
Andrea is also getting big enough to pose. She grabbed Greg's hand to be included in the push-up routine. She was also more than happy to smile pretty for pictures. When I stopped taking pictures she hopping off and went to bed. She is not very verbal but she is totally on top of what is going on in our home and how she wants to be a part or not of the action. 

More pictures I think this time working to stop a crying bout. She gets so frustrated that we don't meet her desires as she wants. Talking would help but it will come. Mostly I know what she wants. 

And her other favorite Millie who is patient and kind and a huge help in caring for Andrea. 

 These younger ones are growing fast and slow. They love the plethora of stuff the big kids have amassed. They are normal and have little respect for other people's stuff. They are sweet and have simple demands. They put up with a lot of tossing, tickling, and getting run over in the mass of moving people. They are good reminders to slow down and take some time to rest. We are thankful for the added dimensions they bring in our life and for the unconditional love they share to fill our hearts with some peace. We are blessed. 

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