Thursday, December 28, 2023

12.28.23 Christmas at home

We got home from the party and got ready for bed. Bruce loves funny socks and was eager to try on his bingo prize. 
All the kids got into their funny socks and posed for a picture. 
We gathered for scriptures and read the story in 3 Ne about the people in the Americas watching for the sign. The last verse saying the rising generation did not believe what their parents had witnessed was particularly chilling. I hope and pray that our efforts to teach the gospel and recognize the Holy Ghost in our daily lives will help our children believe. 
The next morning I began making the customary turnovers. We make apple and berry. 
Andrea wanted to watch and took her spot close to the action. 
The younger kids were anxious for breakfast. We don't eat early. We were also killing time waiting for Greg's present to show up. 

We had a rare moment dancing in the kitchen. It's been a long time since we danced. How I love dancing with Greg. He was a bit frosty with the wait. He had marshaled the kids to clean the entire house and was ready to eat and less than thrilled at the prospect of a goat on the property. I'd been threatening for a month and he knows silly ideas usually happen. 
The finished turnovers. These are flaky and delicious. Not as dense as pie the crust really melts in your mouth with the sweet soft inner filling these are pretty dreamy. We also have all you can eat sausage and deviled eggs. 
The boys showed up with a sweet little goat named Rhino. 

We invited Greg's parents to breakfast as they were all alone this day. They have come one other time. 
These two have finally become friends. 
Anna got a huge candy bar. 
We spent some time outside with Rhino. She won a spot on my want list when she mostly just ate weeds outside. We have some work she could do. 
We took a family picture where we had more room to spread out. 
We sand some songs together at our house and at grandmas this is Oh Holy Night not an easy song to master. 
Grandma played accompaniment on the organ and the piano. 
I was delighted to find these pictures of Harold and Andrea. It has been rocky between them since he came home. She has refused his attempts to hold her or be close to her. So these moments captured are a bit surprising. She seems pretty happy and comfortable with him. I'm pleased as pre-mission Harold was a super favorite among the younger kids. 

Obviously, the tickling he is known for is ok now. 

I will say the whole group singing was a powerful sound this year. They are impressive and loud to listen to. I'm thankful they are willing to sing. That was one requirement Greg had for a wife that she sang in church. No we have a choir. We sang all the verses of Christmas carols at home and the kids thanks to phones with printed words and all the beautiful words of testimony of the life and mission of Jesus Christ. 
Grandma and Evander filmed the singing. 

 We ate, sang, and read the Christmas story. Then we open presents getting the smaller children opened and on their way to play then the older people opening their presents all the while picking up. With so many people in the house, we need to be continually cleaning. The kids played then we went to Grandma's house for dinner and more singing. She gave the guys tips on how to harmonize with the ladies. 

We had a peaceful easy day. My parents give me the gift of time. They fill in the gaps on presents with my kids. I give them gifts and they give them gifts. The kids are happy with the haul. I appreciate their thoughtful and generous work. We are blessed.

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