Thursday, December 28, 2023

12.28.23 Corn Christmas party

We gather at Uncle Kevin's because he has large rooms that hold all the wild monkeys in this line and their parents too. What would the line be this long for? 
The special visit of the honored guest Santa Clause. The kids enjoy this ritual even though we are adamant Santa Claus does not bring presents and is just a nice person helping Jesus. 
Bruce above, Merle below. 

Afton, then Lia.
Mom has been friends with Santa for a long time. 
Grandma Lasley took a turn taking a picture with the visitor as well. 
After Santa the kids begin getting their costumes put on for the nativity. This is a sweet tradition. Anna and Aliza are willing helpers dressing kids and thankful to just be audience these days. 
Aunt Mary is the director of activities. She keeps things organized, moving along, and fun. She is so good to host (along with my parents) these large gatherings. We are very grateful for the many hours and organization they put into traditions that delight and inspire young hearts and minds.

I never see this performance as I always play the piano. I don't mind that in some ways I really enjoy just being able to sing and play. I'm so grateful we all get along to get together and I really appreciate the space to be comfortably together. 
The much anticipated cold cereal gift exchange. 

These pictures don't show all the eating but we started with a full appetizer bar, fruit, chips, meats and crackers with cheese, dips etc. Then we do some activities and go to eating prime rib or tri-tip meat, mashed potatoes, rolls, salad, vegetables, and grandma's special jello salad. This year we got instructions on how to make that jello. She likes to say Well I might not be here next year lately. I don't like ominous foreshadowing and tell her to stop saying things like that. Reality who knows what a year will bring and thus making time for some instruction as I am a Jello flop. Then a while later we have dessert. We roll away from the party stuffed to the top of our heads. It is a delicious and enjoyable evening of activities. 
Reed and James ready for the Left, right, middle money game. My mom won last year and wouldn't play this time. The kids were all ready and happy to play. I heard a rumor Kevin won the first round. 
The kids played many rounds of bingo winning assorted prizes. Chips, socks, cookies, and funny glasses. 

In the other room competition was getting real. John and  Megan and HArold like to play phone video games against each other. Battleship, pool to name a few. 

I think Anna won the second round. 
And then it was on to a new challenge. Honey I love you but just can't smile. Oh boy that was fun. Papa won that hands down. 

Pies. Apple, pumpkin, chocolate peanut buter and mousse. 

The kids even took a turn at baby I love you but I just can't smile. They thought it was funny. 
After hours of good times we cleaned up loaded the tables and chairs and came home. I find it satisfying that my great great grandfather William Frances Corn who was adamant about having the family gather for a Christmas party. 6 generations are now able to get in one place and celebrate unity and love of our Savior that is strength. 

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