Tuesday, August 26, 2014

8.26.14 First Day- Get your own pickles!

Yesterday was our first day of school. I cried. It's such a cruel sensation to leave your children and know they will face hard times and possibly feel sad and scared and lost and just walk away. I keep telling myself they will also feel happy, friendship, love, trust other adults and children and learn to make good choices and learn more about the world around them. I still miss them! And by about 9:30 I was REALLY missing them. My sister recounted a story from a friend who when the youngest child, a boy, went to kindergarten and the teacher asked him what his mom would do with everyone gone? He replied "She'll have to get her own jar of pickles..."

Getting ready to head to school I drive them all the first day.

All day up and down the stair chasing kiddos doing all the diapers and all the everything I thought man I didn't realize how much the kids were doing. I was constantly after a few to stop hiding and do more all summer, but I realized in total light my work load had been with so many helpers. I will report we all survived I was one tired momma by nap time and more so after all the excited reports and trying to keep kids awake till bed time but so thankful for each great kiddo that lives in my home.
The little girls were so excited to see Anna and know their support crew was coming home. Not to mention the yummy popcorn Anna always shares with her siblings was a welcome treat.

And yes today I will again be getting my own pickles and missing all the hands that made my work so much lighter throughout the summer.

Speaking of work it's much easier to go to school when you have been working all summer. Lately we have of course been canning. Man oh man I wouldn't dare do that without so many helpers. They truly are my amazing work crew.
Sometimes towards the end it gets soupy in the funnel Mark just got an eye full of tomato juice. Splat!

Making Spaghetti Sauce. My kind friend grows me great tomatoes each year what a sweet blessing he is to so many. He's a retired dairy farmer and WWII veteran and master gardener who's heart is bigger than his ginormous garden.
My two helpers. It's fun having these two close together. I love watching the friendship and sharing at each meal swapping plates and most desirable items from your cup of milk to your steak or cookies. These two keep me on my toes.

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