Tuesday, August 12, 2014

8.5.14 Who's Missing?

For months Greg has been asking almost every time we all sit down to dinner or kneel in family prayer who's missing? Usually no one. In fact it is rare we are all together, meaning he is with us. I would look at him and tell him to knock it off. But he was right. So can you spot who's missing?

Or better said can you guess who's missing? Yep that persistent next Saunders child who wants to come to earth to be part of our family. They will be showing up at the end of January. Not sure if I will avoid prison and get my taxes done in time to do birth and newborn adjustment... but it will be good.

So while my grand summer plans of hiking, adventure, field trips, organization, and becoming better prepared for life were laid aside for mom pulling it together to do one big thing a day and a few chores and way too many days laying in bed with exhaustion. It is excitedly that we announce the 10th child that is coming to our family. How blessed we are to be healthy-ish, happy, and able to have so many impatient, energetic, blessings in our home.

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