Monday, August 4, 2014

8.3.14 Mud & Library

 We have been flying and dying these past few weeks. We had strep again, 3x this summer, I'm very tired of being sick. This last round was seriously the real deal. The last two times was not so sick like, but this one laid us out one by one every few hours or so someone else would drop. We got our meds and slowly recovered, then jumped into sanitizing and cleaning our house. It was a long week.

But as always it's not all work and no play here. We did do a library visit. I love watching my kids at the library.
Even the little ones know what to do at the library. There is plenty of fighting and squealing not captured in pictures but also plenty of looking and learning.

Greg was also able to help his dad with a flat tire on a pivot. He came home looking like this. Reed swished and swished his dirty clothes the next day our new washer was able to make them clean again.

Those pivots run back and forth sprinkling water which gets in the track of the tires. When the tire goes flat it must be rolled out through that muddy track. It is a swamp nightmare. Dark, stinking, muddy mess. He is such a macho man in a really useful sense. He amazes me with his can do attitude.

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