Wednesday, August 27, 2014

8.27.14 A little more summer

We had a season of weddings this August. In addition to that excitement we were able to visit or spend time around  all of our cousins, aunts, and uncles. Our super amazing Aunt Brenda was here for two weeks and we were treated to many delicious culinary experiences with her. Her last Sunday here was our turn to have her alone. She treated and taught the kids some new skills as she shower her mastery of cooking and whipping up amazing, yummy foods.
Making gravy and junket or the sauce for fresh peach pie

A closer look at Aunt Brenda's skill salting whisking the gravy and making the jel mixture for pie. WOW!
Serving the pie. Man was it good! It is always an exciting adventure to see what new taste Aunt Brenda has for us to try.

Of course Greg is not one to sit and talk with the ladies so while we visited and cooked with Aunt Brenda Greg was busy out side. We didn't really pay attention until things like this started appearing.

Harold pulled this himself. Proof of things planted in easy areas, right under the pivot and thus constantly watered well, don't have much of a root system. This monster was taller than him but probably wasn't that hard to get out. obviously there was more than one freeloader under the pivot and out of spray and hoe range. The cows had a tasty treat. And the crew worked up an appetite for the feast awaiting them.

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