Wednesday, August 6, 2014

8.6.14 Family Reunion

The Family Reunion was fun and tiring and full of cousins and love. We traveled to Idaho Falls on Friday and enjoyed (Greg & I anyway) visiting the temple grounds with our children and showing them a bit of Rexburg and BYU-I. Aliza declared that she would not be heading there as it is "TOO windy!" We'll see in a couple of years. Not that I am pushing Rexburg. I never really cared for it as a college town. I am trying to be unbiased... although I smile a lot at the kids constantly wearing USU t-shirts thanks to Uncle Kevin.

I'll just post the pictures. I had the kids take pictures while I visited with ladies, I was surprised to see some of they captured. Note the amount of kiddos. For the most part there was little fighting, lots of creative play, and many memories.

Harold and his buddy Brandon. It's fun to get to know distant cousins and renew friendship.

The main lodge adults gathered and visited around the porch.

This tractor was fired up and provided rides for happy big and little boys.

One super cool and thoughtful dad brought a huge bubble blower the kids are waiting for bubbles. In reverse order

Greg was happily surprised by a special cousin John. They had a great time visiting and joking together. Here John is quizzing Anna on how many times she kisses boys a day. This is pre-meal lineup.

These boys had hours of fun rolling this spool up this small hill. Teamwork and creativity!

The water slide, whee!

The fabulous Saturday meal. Kim and Tom Potts smoked pork for two days to make enough to feed the crew. It was Delicious!! The Saturday meal is fast becoming a major effort of love and culinary wonder. Kids plate- which explains the lack of green.

The cap site and area for games.

Watching a remote control car a grown cousin had built. 

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