Monday, April 13, 2015

4.13.15 Science Fair

Science Fair projects about did me in over spring break. Kids came home with empty notebooks and blank poster boards and no ideas of what they wanted to learn about. After completing a few of the projects on my to do list we got to their projects. I researched things that might interest them and came up with some ideas to show them. They reviewed the options and we began gathering materials. Aliza made yogurt from 4 different commercial yogurts. John built bridges to test the best adhesive and Harold worked on a mousetrap powered car.

Aliza got hers done. I understand food science and had done that before. No biggie she got it written up in her notebook, typed on the computer and the board put  together. Viola science project!
The boys however were a different story. I went for projects that were in their interest areas. Not looking at the difficulty and or the time estimated for the project. OOPS!
The bridge was fine and dandy if we had had more clips to secure the sticks as they dried. And it takes a long time for glue to dry.

The mousetrap car, well that was a real story of engineering, ingenuity, and trial and error. We didn't spend much money on that project but it took A LOT!! of time and effort and it didn't "work" by the deadline. We learned a lot about friction, procrastination, boys, and scientific method. GRRR.
Serious science takes time and some food. The lunch amongst the creative thought process you can see a bridge in the background.
 After not completing the week before I kept Harold and John home to finish the projects and write up. Mark was not about to have to miss out so he felt "really sick" and determined he better stay home just in case.
Being sick he needed reset. I came down to check on that and found this.

Reading the Rush Revere Books. Reed was in Heaven to have all his brothers home.

It was a long day of repeating you must write results down. Write it down. Have you written it down? You can't get up until you write it down... Oh my goodness I thought I would explode!

Alas we got completed boards, speeches ready, and done. My favorite comment at 9:45 that night mom I got it almost done. Yes since we started at 6:30 a.m. you're right just in time. oh my I'm pretty sure this motherhood thing is going to do me in. Why did I chose this instead of a leave home do the same predictable thing each day job? Man I sure am a glutton for punishment.

I can honestly say I was majorly bummed when bridge builder Johnny who was scared to death of presenting his project but had solid speech reported he did not share his speech the judge never asked for it! Great. He got 2nd.

Aliza did great she got a 2nd place. I so appreciate her organization and competitive spirit.

Harold got a 3rd place. There was a homemade light bulb that his friend did. Didn't know you could do that.
When I invest so much time and mental energy into these things I'm let down to not WIN, but I know we did win. In that we learned a bunch, had fun, celebrated, and questioned together. On to the next thing is how life rolls along here.

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