Tuesday, April 14, 2015

4.15.15 Visiting Grandma

For me Grandma's house has always been one of the best places on earth. Due to age and overall well being grandmas house has had to change. I have shed a few tears over this but I learned its not so much the house but the person who lives there that makes a place special. We went to visit Grandma in her new place this week. I prepared all day so I wouldn't cry, so the kids could be occupied and pleasant and we could be a positive visit. I printed coloring pages and word searches, found an UNO game, and bought new crayons, and some ice cream sandwich treats- we were ready!

Harold was showing grandma his hex-a-flexagon. Look it up on Kahn Academy. Amazing resource!

Afton had a great time being held by grandma she's small enough not to play with grandma' s new jewelry. I think we only accidentally called the nurse once.

Hiding and exploring a new place was so much fun for Livy and Millie. The best part of siblings is always having someone to play with. Livy trying out the bed. She was mesmerized by the hanging shoe organizer in the closet. Too cool!

Harold preparing to make some paper airplanes. There were balloons in grandma's room and they used them for targets. Lot of fun for all interest levels. Coloring and playing games the kids wrote love notes to grandma and enjoyed a rare opportunity to play a game with their dad.

Millie exploring new gadgets. I'm not aware of any disasters. She is getting so big notice her big cheesy smiles? Sure love her even though she sticks to me like glue at home.
I came away so calmed and assured that things are okay. Life does change and that's okay. We all need to progress and have our turn and move on to other things. I have learned so much from grandma. She is pleasant and always encouraging. She never complains and she is smart. A sister commented we could have moved her into a chicken house and she would make friends with the chickens. (Actually she did live in a chicken house at one point in her life, lots of settlers in our community did. The chickens lived elsewhere!) I love my grandma. I love that my kids also know and love her. They are sure our love of reading is genetic passed on from her. I love that we get to learn more from her. Change is okay it's just different from our preferred comfort setting. Thank goodness for families.

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