Thursday, April 30, 2015

4.30.15 Moving

Obviously we have a lot of available hands at our house. We are always heed the warning that idle hands are the devils workplace. So when we find opportunities to get all those hands busy we are excited. This week we were able to help a dear friend move his food storage.

Boxes of canned wheat are only slightly lighter than bags of wheat. Go Johnny Go!

That's a big job for any amount of people but is was a perfect project for our group! Please notice Millie in all these pictures. She is a serious worker and demands to have part in the project. She doggedly sticks with her part and makes sure she is on task. Can't say the same for some of the stronger cadets but it all gets done and I haven't burst a blood vessel yet although I think it will surely happen one of these days.

There is always some object of desire worth fighting over. This time the wheelbarrows were highly prized. Of course no family project is complete without some tussle and maybe some tears. Got through it and got the job done. Now to find place and sort through all those cans. Bless that faithful family who followed the counsel to store a years supply of food.

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