Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4.19.15 Kittens!!

Dinner was almost ready the kids were working on coming inside and then no one appeared. I wondered why my stalwart obedient one or two children failed to come? I wondered why at least one child wasn't hungry? I opened the door and this was the scene I observed. Upon questioning the said tardy children they exclaimed the cat is having kittens right here!!!
Obviously some were more into the show than others.
I think Livy and Reed were most touched by this miraculous moment. I was worried about the other cats bothering the new kittens especially as the mother would eventually move her brood to  safer softer location. Reed took it upon himself to defend the kittens. He chased all other cats away with a stick for hours after their birth. 

Millie & Harold were having more fun blowing and chasing bubbles. Harold is so good with the little girls always trying to make them smile or laugh. They love his shoulder rides and the special attention he shares with them. He is a kind older brother who loves all little kids. I think it is important for teenagers to have small children around. Little kids are so loving and generous in heir smiles and love to the teenager who's world is a swirling mess of change. Not big enough to drive a car and date or marry but too big to play for hours on end with toys. It's a tough stage but the little siblings are a welcome relief. You can play with them you can play for them and you can teach them to play! All good activities and fun. I love watching my kids play together and love each other. 

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