Saturday, November 12, 2016

11.12.16 little problems

 Man I'm thankful for our little problems. The rioting in a big city that is in our home state is close to where my parents are visiting. Times are crazy and I am too often forgetful to be grateful for the safe hard working country life that makes my life Good!
Today I checked Mark's bandage and the butterflies had loosened with the continued weeping of the wound. After consulting with grandma and a farm nurse and calling urgent care clinics I took him in.
We had a big talk about the cost difference and how necessary it was for Mark to be still and not cry.
He was a champion. The nurse and p.a. were all happily surprised he was so calm and still.

  7 stitches later we came home to this surprise from his beloved scout leader. Balloons with bags of candy as weights. Also 3 jugs of root beer. The best!
On the way we talked about diverting your attention to hold your mental resolve to not twitch. I told Mark he should ask the nurse questions. 
His questions: How old are you?
Ans: 56.
Quest: are you married?
Ans: no. You got someone in mind? 
I told her he would be a great pickup man
...and also explained we don't usually ask women their age as it can make them sad. Fun times. We are blessed.
Our first stitches on any children in 15 years of parenting. Clinics instead of e.r. reduced fee for full pay at time of service. Kind skilled professionals. This being a rare event not the norm! And going to local town and scoring some grocery deals. Love that. Happy day to you.

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