Wednesday, November 30, 2016

11.30.16 Snowy day

Snow is a rare reality in this part of the world. One not necessarily welcome when you have hundreds say 7 plus, of these lovely ladies meandering around.

After learning that this was a solo day here at the farm Mr. Bossman (read the hubs) requested a check on the fences and water. My much more excited than I kiddo, Livy, accompanied me dressed for the elements.  We headed out wooden handle metal tool in hand to check on the bovine herds.

One fence was mildly hot and one was cold. **(Bless my brother in-law Fresh from tropical Hawaii for getting the fence hot.) Water was good. We called to report and headed home. We did stop to enjoy a 4 snowball fight on the front porch before ducking back into our home burrow. It is pleasant to be hit by a 4 year old at close range who is not intent on annihilating you into a blizzard of snowy death blows.

My ever willing babysitter had the situation in hand literally. Afton had enjoyed the bottle more than the baby. And while he was fussing he was not angry red mad. Just ready for a bigger lap. This was a sudden shock from yesterday where we spent most the day snuggling waiting for our joint stomach flu like sensations to pass.

Because snow is a novel experience and these children are newcomers to earth and all it's seasonal glory they needed Livy the older sister to show them the art of making snowballs. The girls arrayed their collective attempts inside on the bookshelf for my approval.

And of course the taste of snow. Cold wet delightfully magical when you are so excited for the Christmas season to begin. Happy snow day to you too.

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