Tuesday, November 8, 2016

11.8.16 KId-tainment

As I have exhaustively noted here nursing has taken a lot of time this go round, or maybe always. Anyway because of the enforced sitting my active girls have gotten into the habit of using my phone to take pictures, watch starfall or text emoticons to grandparents. My phone is full and I mean full with hundreds of pictures like these. 

I was surprised to find they caught me in my most desired way of nursing. Unfortunately because I have needed to monitor both my production and his intake I mostly sit at the pumping machine on a folding chair watching outtake and intake. Reading a book is a RARE privilege this time. This may be why I am not loving the process. The act of relaxing and taking the time the baby requires goes nicely with a good story. 

And my most adamant baby holder Millie. She has an iron will and a spunky spirit. We do best when we work together when I can see and concede the higher ground. But she is quick to help and just wants to be big. Oh the challenge of waiting for that to happen!

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