Friday, November 11, 2016

11.11.16 last canning

Today was the last day of canning!!! Yay more applesauce and 4 more half gallons of pie apples. I hope this wraps up our efforts for the year. We appropriately listened to Marion g Romney talk about the Celestial nature of self reliance from October 1982 General conference. I'm working to teach my children values about work while we work!

 Aliza has been learning the ropes of canning this fall. She also jumped in and did the clean up this time. The hope of a movie night is highly motivating to her.

We were wrapping up when all of the sudden I heard the four wheeler come up and a wailing child. "Ouww, it hurts" again and again. I began steeling myself for who ever it was and was surprised and worried when mark burst in the door. He's not dramatic. He showed me a bloody hole in his jeans and I began to worry. Walking is always a good indicator of how critical the injury might be so that was good he got himself home and in the house. We set him down on a chair and propped his leg up. I decided we would need room to work comfortably so I lifted him gently to the kitchen table. We washed hands, assembled supplies, breathed deep and began cutting off his pants. That was hard because they were nice patched ones with no holes yet. However, I had no idea what I would find and didn't want to disrupt whatever was going on so I cut them open. Aliza assisted handing supplies and moral support.

I found a clean one inch gash about a quarter inch deep. Raw meat with little blood. The sight of my children's exposed flesh always makes me queasy.  We got it cleaned and two butterflies applied while I pulled the edges together. I had to sit down when that was done and then move to carpet and a chair with sides. The room spinning the tingling hands was an indication of a coming black out.

Grandma called at that time and talked to me while I recovered. I told her what was happening and she reassured me he would heal. I got fully oxygenated while talking and then went back to apply one more butterfly. We covered him up and ordered a few hours rest.

He complied nicely and when grandma got home she reevaluated the wound. We worked together to pinch the wound closed and applied new butterflys. I again had to sit down in between applications but we got it done.  Now he is on strict orders to be calm and careful. All in a day's s work on the farm. No not really these are rare thank goodness.

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