Friday, March 17, 2017

3.16.17 SAHM

I'm a stay at home mom. Meaning I stay home. In theory that gives me lots of time to do creative, thoughtful, nurturing... or maybe just spending a lot of time holding sick crying kids and then rushing to get the next meal prepared and/or cleaned up as feeding and holding seem to be my primary jobs

He's not sure if he should cry or not he can see me but isn't touching me... they were trying to entertain and make him comfortable.

MY selfie addict. Adding some variety with Bruce

The first warm day was glorious and a bit of a surprise tot he senses. The girls rushed out to pound dead voles!! They are so much braver than I. Afton was working on potty training that day so the boots were enough to take her off on adventure. It was weird to go outside and be warm and the noise was almost deafening. Isn't that  a scene in Bambi when the owl has to yell BE QUIET to all the chattery spring animals to talk to Bambi's mother? I watched that a lot with Harold and Anna. I loved the soft classical music that animated the movie. On this first spring day and sense our yard is full of bird animal chatter. They are a noisy lot.

She loves to take funny pictures of her self. Just a sampling. 

And I think we are all struggling this week. The beautiful sun lures us out and the arrival of calves then their struggle to survive has taken a lot of time this week. Thus naps at odd times. I love that Bruce is just part of all of our lives. He has not felt well this week and I'm so thankful when the big kids get home to hold him. He doesn't allow the little girls to hold him when he's not well. 

It's been a long couple of weeks with the sick stuff. I'm so thankful we don't get sick too often because it seems to last forever when we are sick. Thank goodness for some good med's how did mom's survive without tylenol and ibuprofen and amoxicillin. So thankful to live in these modern times. 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

3.7.17 Finding Joy everyday

I announced we were on a quest to improve our eating and as per the norm we upped our treats intake! 

A kind friend shared this beautiful creation. She knows the way to my kids hearts, mini-candy bars inserted between greenery. A sign for sure! They were thrilled and it was a kind thanks from her.

Addie showing her chess medal from the recent chess tournament. She was the last of my kids to enter and the only one to place. She was fortunate to not have to face high schoolers in her first few round like John and Aliza, and while the mighty little girls from a homeschool club were no small foe I think she may have held her own against them. She was pretty excited. Being the absolute middle child is hard. The youngest of the olders and the oldest of the youngers she races hard to keep up and raise up. 

And a cute instructional moment. We are working on teaching chores to the next group. Reed had mastered vacuum care and was explaining the figure 8 loop we use to store the vacuum cord. Always working yourself out of the job. Unless you're the mom then the default is always on your shoulders.
So we work through the ups and downs of resolutions and failing resolutions and rolling with life as it comes eyes ever fixed on the ultimate end. Responsible adult children beginning the cycle again. And thus as the eternal cycle rolls on we become a united eternal family. Life is good and there is joy everyday. Sometimes almond joy, sometimes singing joy, sometimes joy just to get to go to sleep. Daylight savings time how hard it is to adjust back. Best to you today.

Friday, March 10, 2017

3.10.17 a good day

Today is a good day. The weather is warmish- hence the laundry on the line YAY!! There is a medium breeze and the kids are finding dead mice everywhere!!! 

Awesome! If you know me you know I do not like mice. I often scream in their presence. Yes weakness but the normal response. Can hardly believe my pretty little girl will carry them in a shovel! Apparently the hard winter was deadly for them. YES!!! So we are down 15 mice here on the farm no sadness on my part. Now if only the gophers hadn't been so comfy. We can only hope the mosquito population was similarly weakened.

And my little Addie continues to amaze. She has taken over the poor flower beds they should be amazing this year. And best of all the kids are around and I just love having them in eyesight. Especially when they can be productive and creative outside. This is a good time of year! Happy Weekend.

Monday, March 6, 2017

3.6.17 Grandpa's legacy

It's funny how long an influence is felt. Last night we had a great time laughing about funny trespassing warnings found in some magazines from my dead grandfather. He would have loved the signs my kids were laughing at. He would have loved breaking their innocence to red neck humor or ignorance to such witty thoughts. It was just a moment where his presence was strong in our home. 
Nobody plays the role he did in our family. I don't think roles can be filled by others. His was distinct yet in the past few weeks small items that would have been part of his character have been part of the kids growing-up and it's been good. The magazines for one.

My favorite saying-
No soliciting!
We are too poor to buy anything,
We know who we are voting for
We have found Jesus
and unless you're giving away beer (Aliza changed this to books)
Go Away

The kids loved Do you believe in the afterlife?
Cross the fence and find out

Or Can you run 3000 m/s ? If not your head better be bulletproof
I have a shotgun and a shovel any questions?
Quit trespassing we are getting tired of disposing of the bodies

In all our classic country music listening the Devil Went Down to Georgia has become a new favorite. Mark loves the last line from Johnny to the Devil. Hmmm.
And they loved True Grit again for the salty talk! I did not pick that movie for family viewing they got it while I was gone. So sheltered or not they are getting the essence of grandparents and will probably be none the worse for the wear.

A few days ago we were driving home and we spotted a sun dog! A what? you say. Yes it's a meteorological phenomena when the weather is changing. The sun will make a square rainbow on some of the clouds around it. It foretells changes in the weather usually rain. Livy spotted this one. But my other grandfather taught me and Greg about this years ago now we look out for them and teach the kiddos.

It was on the left of the sun in the square blue section the rainbow didn't show up in the photo.

This group although growing, did not know those grandparents for long or at all. However it's heartwarming to know that bits of wisdom, humor, and life perspective carries on through the generations. We are so much a composite of our past. I'm so thankful to have known so many of my grandparents their, parents, uncles and aunts, great and great great! And my favorite quote from facebook that I just joined to watch a parenting class. Stop wasting time on facebook and write in our journal! Amen.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

3.2.17 Wrapping up February

The months sure fly by these days. The guy in blue is sure getting big! He is so happy and loves people. We love him lots! He's getting where he knows each of us and what to expect from time in our arms. Getting some one on one time with dad. 

Mark at the pack meeting graduating from bears to weblos. He will graduate just in time for Reed to start.

Addie was taking pictures from far away. Bruce loved the carrier he hung out for 3 hours happy as a clam visiting and being held! It was a Hawaiian theme hence his SUPER leader's outfit. She is the best!!

Afton helping. He has a particular cry when she has him in her arms. It's not happy it's more panicked like Help ME! She just wants to love him, oh well. Someday maybe they will be like their older brother and sister best friends.

A moment during scriptures one night. These two are such close friends. They support each other in so many ways. I always wanted a older brother. I'm so thankful that he is kind and shares: stories, rides, food so the rest of us can eat, time with all of us, his cool origami creations, he's a good big brother. She probably understands him best of anyone on earth.

Paying off our mortgage. YAY!! Bring on the braces, missions, colleges, and home repairs!

And the new couch set complete with dad chair. Not that our dad is here often to sit but when he is he now has a place. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

3.1.17 A day at the Farm

First calf of the year. Poor little girl it is cold, wet, and miserable on the farm right now. After some scraping the guys laid a bed of straw for her and mamma. They looked royal the next morning laying on the yellow straw. Mark was in heaven. He loves the cows and calves are special presents to him. This little one was happy to have him close. Forgive the poor picture quality it was a beautiful full sun day and we were soaking it up through layers and all just enjoying thawing out a bit.

Afton LOVES to be on the farm with dad! She is always the first to demand to go and even though she wasn't feeling well she endured the coolness to be with him. He is so strong to carry her all over even though that is tough when trying to work.

Reed working to move some of the water that is melting. That slurry is a mix of a lot of things none which smell good in my house. Though Reed is no fair weather farmer. He loves to stretch his muscles and tackle hard projects. He is a hard worker and determined to be as big and helpful as his older brothers.
The best part of the farm is the pitting of self against the elements and animals. Thru thinking, reasoning, and endurance not to mention muscles sometimes and teamwork others a lot of challenges can be beaten.