Thursday, March 16, 2017

3.7.17 Finding Joy everyday

I announced we were on a quest to improve our eating and as per the norm we upped our treats intake! 

A kind friend shared this beautiful creation. She knows the way to my kids hearts, mini-candy bars inserted between greenery. A sign for sure! They were thrilled and it was a kind thanks from her.

Addie showing her chess medal from the recent chess tournament. She was the last of my kids to enter and the only one to place. She was fortunate to not have to face high schoolers in her first few round like John and Aliza, and while the mighty little girls from a homeschool club were no small foe I think she may have held her own against them. She was pretty excited. Being the absolute middle child is hard. The youngest of the olders and the oldest of the youngers she races hard to keep up and raise up. 

And a cute instructional moment. We are working on teaching chores to the next group. Reed had mastered vacuum care and was explaining the figure 8 loop we use to store the vacuum cord. Always working yourself out of the job. Unless you're the mom then the default is always on your shoulders.
So we work through the ups and downs of resolutions and failing resolutions and rolling with life as it comes eyes ever fixed on the ultimate end. Responsible adult children beginning the cycle again. And thus as the eternal cycle rolls on we become a united eternal family. Life is good and there is joy everyday. Sometimes almond joy, sometimes singing joy, sometimes joy just to get to go to sleep. Daylight savings time how hard it is to adjust back. Best to you today.

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