Wednesday, March 1, 2017

3.1.17 A day at the Farm

First calf of the year. Poor little girl it is cold, wet, and miserable on the farm right now. After some scraping the guys laid a bed of straw for her and mamma. They looked royal the next morning laying on the yellow straw. Mark was in heaven. He loves the cows and calves are special presents to him. This little one was happy to have him close. Forgive the poor picture quality it was a beautiful full sun day and we were soaking it up through layers and all just enjoying thawing out a bit.

Afton LOVES to be on the farm with dad! She is always the first to demand to go and even though she wasn't feeling well she endured the coolness to be with him. He is so strong to carry her all over even though that is tough when trying to work.

Reed working to move some of the water that is melting. That slurry is a mix of a lot of things none which smell good in my house. Though Reed is no fair weather farmer. He loves to stretch his muscles and tackle hard projects. He is a hard worker and determined to be as big and helpful as his older brothers.
The best part of the farm is the pitting of self against the elements and animals. Thru thinking, reasoning, and endurance not to mention muscles sometimes and teamwork others a lot of challenges can be beaten.

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