Thursday, March 2, 2017

3.2.17 Wrapping up February

The months sure fly by these days. The guy in blue is sure getting big! He is so happy and loves people. We love him lots! He's getting where he knows each of us and what to expect from time in our arms. Getting some one on one time with dad. 

Mark at the pack meeting graduating from bears to weblos. He will graduate just in time for Reed to start.

Addie was taking pictures from far away. Bruce loved the carrier he hung out for 3 hours happy as a clam visiting and being held! It was a Hawaiian theme hence his SUPER leader's outfit. She is the best!!

Afton helping. He has a particular cry when she has him in her arms. It's not happy it's more panicked like Help ME! She just wants to love him, oh well. Someday maybe they will be like their older brother and sister best friends.

A moment during scriptures one night. These two are such close friends. They support each other in so many ways. I always wanted a older brother. I'm so thankful that he is kind and shares: stories, rides, food so the rest of us can eat, time with all of us, his cool origami creations, he's a good big brother. She probably understands him best of anyone on earth.

Paying off our mortgage. YAY!! Bring on the braces, missions, colleges, and home repairs!

And the new couch set complete with dad chair. Not that our dad is here often to sit but when he is he now has a place. 


  1. You are too kind with your leader remarks but seriously, you are being far too modest to only skim over Mark by casually mentioning that he graduated from Bears to Webelos. Let me take over your blog for a bit to really highlight his advancement! Mark not only earned EVERY SINGLE belt loop in EVERY SINGLE adventure (19 total), but he also earned 6 other Awards throughout his year as a Bear. He earned the Outdoor Activity Award, Whittling Chip, World Conservation Award, BB Gun Shooting Sports Award, Cyber Chip, and the Religious Square Knot. That is no small feat! He also only missed 1 or 2 meetings (and those were during the summer so not mandatory anyway) so he pretty much had perfect attendance! He even came to scouts right after his 4-wheeler/leg accident, limping! He is a CHAMP!! Boys like him are hard to come by, and when we get them, we cherish them and are so very sad to see them move on! He was always the first to try new things (especially mushrooms on his pizza when everyone else was pretending to puke in the corner) and we NEVER had to ask him to be quite, settle down, or to listen. He was ALWAYS the first to help another scout when he saw they were struggling with an assignment, never asking for anything in return. His smile. Oh his smile. It can seriously light up a room! This boy will seriously be missed by his leaders! THANK YOU for raising such an incredible boy!

    And CONGRATS on paying off your mortgage! FREEDOM!!

  2. Funny and sad i didnt know all of those details. Thank you for a more complete picture! Appreciate the true picture i dont see as the mom.
