Friday, March 17, 2017

3.16.17 SAHM

I'm a stay at home mom. Meaning I stay home. In theory that gives me lots of time to do creative, thoughtful, nurturing... or maybe just spending a lot of time holding sick crying kids and then rushing to get the next meal prepared and/or cleaned up as feeding and holding seem to be my primary jobs

He's not sure if he should cry or not he can see me but isn't touching me... they were trying to entertain and make him comfortable.

MY selfie addict. Adding some variety with Bruce

The first warm day was glorious and a bit of a surprise tot he senses. The girls rushed out to pound dead voles!! They are so much braver than I. Afton was working on potty training that day so the boots were enough to take her off on adventure. It was weird to go outside and be warm and the noise was almost deafening. Isn't that  a scene in Bambi when the owl has to yell BE QUIET to all the chattery spring animals to talk to Bambi's mother? I watched that a lot with Harold and Anna. I loved the soft classical music that animated the movie. On this first spring day and sense our yard is full of bird animal chatter. They are a noisy lot.

She loves to take funny pictures of her self. Just a sampling. 

And I think we are all struggling this week. The beautiful sun lures us out and the arrival of calves then their struggle to survive has taken a lot of time this week. Thus naps at odd times. I love that Bruce is just part of all of our lives. He has not felt well this week and I'm so thankful when the big kids get home to hold him. He doesn't allow the little girls to hold him when he's not well. 

It's been a long couple of weeks with the sick stuff. I'm so thankful we don't get sick too often because it seems to last forever when we are sick. Thank goodness for some good med's how did mom's survive without tylenol and ibuprofen and amoxicillin. So thankful to live in these modern times. 

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