Tuesday, May 23, 2017

5.22.17 Happy Kids

It's so easy to get distracted. To get frustrated, tired, lonely and/or overwhelmed. 

He's getting big and independent and yet still so dependent. His innocent learning is charming and yet it's just another stop and clean up when I'm rushing to get just one thing done.

This little one adores and demands going for rides. She is the first to volunteer to go help. Anna is such a sweet sister she is patient and strong and sets such a good example in our home. We are blessed!

A water fight! Oh it turned warm and the sprinkler heads came off and the water flew. John loves to play in the water. He is a master at having fun. I love all the different personalities here.

My little mommy. She gathered all the bears she could find then made a pile of blankets and towels and was putting them to bed... in the path of the pantry and the kitchen. She is so loving and nurturing.

Modeling the glasses from the 50's show a few weeks ago. They grow up fast because so much is offered for them to dream about.
And my cow rustlers! They left at 8:15 pm and came back at 11:30 bloody and disheveled. At some point in the evening they dehorned and lacerated a large steer. Horns spurt and they got bloody faces.

With all the diversity and work there is so much laughter and smiling here. My children are happy. I'm not the happiest laughing mom. But my children are happy. I think that is an all too often overlooked mark of family living. Of living the basic tenets of Christianity. We keep commandments, we enforce rules, we work hard, there are a lot of us, and we are always continually working to know and serve God. We often fail. We often loose our cool and things don't go as planned. But we are committed to eternity and we love each other on an unconditional basis.

As I sat listening and watching this weekend I heard joyous laughter. I heard squeals of delight, I see loving snuggles and hugs, I watch tossing and tickling, and I hear enthusiasm of what they accomplished or witnessed. Sometimes I get frustrated we can't just be like others and go to the beach or disneyland or Dairy Queen -our local one closed :(. As we studied last night for FHE Good, Better, Best -- we discussed how we are different on purpose. I am pondering today another of Elder Oaks talk about Becoming. As I recall the situations and remember some of the feelings of these pictures I hope and think I am witnessing our family becoming unified.

This year is my parents 40th Anniversary. That's quite an accomplishment and one that I am so grateful for. Too many of my friends suffer from the uncertainty and worry caused by parents and families that lost their way and then their love for each other. That's heart breaking and maddening. I'm thankful and often oblivious to the strength and peace that result from an intact, still striving for better, always working together toward becoming an eternal family.

Like the pictures show it's messy, it's in the middle of the action, it's unique, it's fun and it's all hours of the day, and sometimes it requires some fighting to keep it together and make some corrections. I'm so thankful to know the Plan of Happiness and to be able to take my turn living it. I'm thankful that part of my mortal experience has been to invite these handful of kids to experience it with me. The gospel of Jesus Christ makes me feel safe, tired, loved, and humbly grateful.

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