Tuesday, September 26, 2017

9.24.17 Weekend with Mom

"Mom's need to be in the picture, their kids want them there. "-- Carleen Tanner, Positive Parenting.
Last weekend it was cool enough to wear all the clothes necessary to brave the storage shed outside. I rallied the troops and we braved the interior to create order out of chaos. We were doing really well for about half an hour until we found a hidden stash of eggs. Far under some shelves. John began moving the eggs when one popped and UGH the stench was immediate and overwhelming. Rotten eggs! We hastily departed the building and our cleaning was about over.

Those darn chickens have been hiding their eggs from the boys for a long time apparently. John found a mask of sorts, a sock, to help him finish that part of the job.  Rotten eggs truly stink, different than skunk and rotten potatoes but gaggy nonetheless. The other younger brothers were not so willing to help. 

Bruce adores swinging fast and high. He loves watching his brothers and being part of the crew.
With so many eggs to dispose of I had to remind them not to just crunch them where they stood, but instead adamantly enforced the far away from the house rule. They headed to the hay field and had a good time tossing those rotten eggs toward the corn. 

Meanwhile inside the house little girls were manning the sinks with Aliza. They are prime canners of tomatoes. They were very proud of their work.

And because everyone is so committed to other activities around here I have been slowly investigating a riding lawnmower. John was delighted to find the answer to my search. This was in the farm magazine a favorite around here. A bicycle powered non-motor lawnmower. Yep that's my family looking out for dear OLD mom. Get some different exercise mom be tough like us. Oh my funny Johnny. 

I guess all is fair in love and war as he never just gets to goof around and do nothing his dear old mom is always finding new ways to keep him busy too. Guess it takes one to know one. 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

9.21.17 Some Bookworms

As I noted before we have been working hard to get this guy fluent. The efforts have paid off and he is coming along. Not willingly no, and not easily but he is doing much better. To add some incentive we made a chart to record days read and then when enough was completed he could pick a prize. Lego's are the stage and so we got some legos coming in the mail. After about 10 hours of reading this monster truck was prize one. We are working toward and airplane now. Love the time snuggling with him, although half the time it's all I can do not to strangle him. I think the feeling is mutual. 

We are a reading family. I found these pictures on my phone and loved the quick flashes in time they captured. Mostly because I feel like time is running away and we are not getting enough good quiet together time like these captured. IT is so hard to fight against the panic of my older kids so rapidly completing their time here and the needs of the younger ones to just soak in routine, family life and lots of learning.

Yes it's blury but we are together. I cry when I think how much I miss the little funny boy that is now the big funny boy leaning in to enjoy me reading out loud. He has always loved stories. He is often working now so he doesn't get very many stories or very much down time. The little guy on the floor doesn't get much down time because we are always chasing someone or some animal.

I'm trying to reconcile myself to just proceeding forward with who is here not missing who is gone and thus not doing what we use to enjoy. Ahh growing up. I didn't realize it meant constant re-calibration and I fight my mind and heart as to what is right. Some enjoy or wait for all? The waiting is killing a lot of the good we use to enjoy. Figuring out how to mother, manage, and maintain everyone and all that needs to be done it a constant war. Just when I think I might have a clue life shifts. Thank goodness for whoever captured this to remind me amongst all I think we are not we are still a lot that I like.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

9.20.17 Wild cows

This is not  a good picture. The little poem the cow jumped over the moon... well cows most definitely jump over fences, bushes, small ditches etc. They are fast awnry critters when thy get wild. This fall with the changing weather the abundant lush grass is slowing down and hte cows are looking at the greener offerings on the other side of their fences. We came home the night before to this lovely lady munching on some corn stalks and alfalfa outside the fence. Sons were instructed to go fix the fence. I canned until dark. The next morning another son and daughter we instructed to make sure the fence was fixed. When they came in to go to school I asked if the fence was hot. No was the reply. I hoped the cows would just comply and stay in.
Around 9 I looked out and no such luck she was out. I didn't worry until she started moseying up and down the road. I didn't want a dead cow or hurt person on my hands and realized I was going to have to address the problem. So I went to fix fence. After doing a pretty good job, I thought, I attempted to get her back in the pen. After adjusting the pen for her to walk back in - cows will get out any which way but going back in must be with as little effort and as big a hole as an elephant herd could go through. Her pen mate was quite content till that moment when he decided I had just let him out too. I was in trouble with two against one. Thank goodness my father-in-law showed up and herded those cows back in the pen. He then walked the fence and found some errors I had made. Alas the cows were in and I was not too late to my appointment.

Neener neener...the fence was leaning on the phone box thus shorting out. After mowing, pulling, bending and removing all the weeds and grass that was touching the fence and replacing an insulator the fence has held tight for a week.

A pretty experienced fence worker. I am choosing not to learn fencing as I don't want to do that job. But sometimes I have to make exceptions and get busy with crash course learning.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

9.19.17 Little canners

My two newest canners. These two peeled and peeled to make jars of tomatoes to can. They were stalwart and
diligent sticking with the water and skins until the end. 

This guy did not get burned in all the hours of open flame. Phew. He sure enjoyed all the fresh produce and the freedom to go in and out all day long. 

Livy had a good time watching, reading, and playing while most of hte bigger kids worked. She is quickly joining those ranks even if she doesn't realize her carefree days are about to end.

Kids enjoying being kids and because they are post millenials they take selfies to remember. Work makes reponsibility and that can lead to happiness.

9.19.17 A wild night

Some nights things just seem to be off. Last night was one of those. All day I think and plan for what great peaceful things we will accomplish then as the time slips by and it comes closer to being together again life slowly or rapidly starts spinning out of control. 
At 2:30 I got a call the  cows were out. That determined I would pick up the kids from school. I hurried and made dinner then went and got the cowboys. 
After they got changed and were about ready to go I noticed a very white washing machine tub. We opened the door and suds spilled out for a while like minutes. We were catching them in a 5 gallon bucket and the floor. Aliza decided her shoes needed washing and used a lot of dish soap to do the job. 

They went to heard the cows after cleaning up  the mess. The cows went in, we ate and Anna headed to her night class- hate that!- We did family home evening it was not what I had envisioned but mission accomplished nonetheless.

After her class we stopped to help Greg. She was unable to push a release button while standing on the ground so she got a ride in a mini. Cheap amusement rides all while discussing some of the recent high school turmoil.

"Anna Anna release the button!" So much for going to bed early and starting the day fresh. We milk as much as we can out of each day and just try to cover the bases, needs, and chaos that happens with so many people coming and going. I'm glad this day resolved into peace. It is so hard to move from the absolute right and wrong of childhood to the many versions of good and bad in a world of free adults. I'm thankful for a great husband to counsel with, who supports us,  and takes over in teaching and teasing out truth and error. And I'm thankful for our patient forgiving kids who learn with us. And odd moments that keep us smiling and actively moving forward or upward.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

9.13.17 Hoco week

This week is homecoming at the high school. Having 2 high schoolers definitely changes the speed and focus around here. The kids elementary school decided to support and also dress up for the week. Monday color day, tuesday cowboy up day and today is super hero or villain day. Red heads are generally villains.  So we got creative! 

The Riddler

Black Widow

Before they left. John is such a fun kid and he loves to ask and make up riddles. It took some convincing to get him to be the riddler but with his hair and wit it was such an obvious fit. Aliza came up with her own costume and just rocks the look!
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and sunglasses

Poison Ivy. 
Harold went for WOlverine, but was out chasing cows this morning with Greg until last minute so I did not get a picture of him. As soon as they left the neighbor called to say the other cows were out and asked for kids to come put them in. I told her all the capable kids were gone but I suited up in work clothes and went to check. Green manure on my shoes and hands later I thought this is not what happens to most designers in a 12 hour period.  Life on a farm is diverse!
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing

This week is fashion week in New York City. As I hand appliqued leaves, crafted a skirt and then sewed leaves onto one of my shirts for Anna, after hand painting John's riddler shirt, I thought I am a fashion designer too. My burned fingers from the hot glue gun, glitter around my nails, and gorilla glue that threatened to glue my fingers together made it a real and a humorous experience. After enduring a very long FFA parent meeting, picking raspberries, and running to Ontario to get supplies. I always wanted to design clothing. Now I get to when the fancy strikes, or the ASB deems it is time.
I like making modest fun interpretations of others ideas. I love these kids of mine and I love creating!

I think Anna may a chip off the block. She volunteered to help with the Homecoming poster. She is very artistic. I think it turned out very nice.

The competition. Juniors and Seniors in Blue.

HArold competed in Dodge Ball Monday night. It was so loud. I unfortunately missed his game but watched an hour of other kids playing. Dodgeball has changed a lot since I was a kid. It was loud fiercely competitive and a fun flashback to what I remember of high school. Raw enthusiasm, youthful exuberance and athleticism, pride, and insecurity all wrapped in one hot, screaming, package. Good times. He was the last man standing on his team and finally was overpowered by the seniors. I wish I could have seen that but the anxiety watching him might have killed me.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


It's not all work. One night after mutual the kids got out to play while I visited. It was so cute watching Bruce follow Harold around and watch in awe as Harold tossed and caught. Bruce adores his big brothers and sisters but holds a special fondness for Anna and HArold. He positively lights up when they come home or into view. 

We took a quick run to Twin Falls for Labor Day. We always try to visit the temple when we travel because generally they are very close to where  we are staying. The girls had a quick in and out visit. Harold and Greg went later in the day again quick in and out. Such a blessing to be so close. For us to go it's over an hour drive one way, the places we visit generally under 10 minutes.

The little girls enjoying the freedom of being home without big kids. They play dolls a lot, swing, pick raspberries, watch movies, and "make messes." Such a nice experience to have siblings to share the journey with. I love how mature Afton is getting to be. She is becoming real pals with Bruce staying up late to visit with Greg when he comes home. They are real partners in robbing dad's dinner plate.

Monday, September 11, 2017

9.11.17 Fall Bounty

Well time and work never stops here on the farm the manner in which we spend the time and do the work does however change. We are so thankful for the bounty of the fall. Earlier in the summer I had worried about all the empty jars that filled my shelf. Home canned food is a major staple of our country living and raising these many open mouthed baby birds. It's always with trepidation that we end July and head into August. But sitting here almost mid September I feel like a full bear ready to go hibernate. We did green beans galore, then moved on to corn, and gleaned a couple tons of potatoes. Then we were blessed with some over abundant tomatoes which kicked off fall canning. We make spaghetti sauce, of which we had used every jar this past year. Spaghetti is my kids favorite everyday if they could meal. I personally can't hardly stand it. oh well mom compromise. 

We moved on to peaches, peach jam, pears, and salsa. We still have more to do of the fruit and tomatoes. The kisd are champions making light work of a lot of work. We started listening to the orphan keeper this weekend that helped divert the mundane sticky task of peeling thousands of pears.

And a smoky sunset showing the much prayed for rain spots on the window.

The country is in upheavel with the many different natural disasters. I am thankful to be preparing for another year. To have my children circled about me visiting, teasing, whining, and working. I love times like these when we are all sharing the accomplishment of a common goal.  These will be some of my fondest mom memories I think. I am truly blessed.