Thursday, September 21, 2017

9.21.17 Some Bookworms

As I noted before we have been working hard to get this guy fluent. The efforts have paid off and he is coming along. Not willingly no, and not easily but he is doing much better. To add some incentive we made a chart to record days read and then when enough was completed he could pick a prize. Lego's are the stage and so we got some legos coming in the mail. After about 10 hours of reading this monster truck was prize one. We are working toward and airplane now. Love the time snuggling with him, although half the time it's all I can do not to strangle him. I think the feeling is mutual. 

We are a reading family. I found these pictures on my phone and loved the quick flashes in time they captured. Mostly because I feel like time is running away and we are not getting enough good quiet together time like these captured. IT is so hard to fight against the panic of my older kids so rapidly completing their time here and the needs of the younger ones to just soak in routine, family life and lots of learning.

Yes it's blury but we are together. I cry when I think how much I miss the little funny boy that is now the big funny boy leaning in to enjoy me reading out loud. He has always loved stories. He is often working now so he doesn't get very many stories or very much down time. The little guy on the floor doesn't get much down time because we are always chasing someone or some animal.

I'm trying to reconcile myself to just proceeding forward with who is here not missing who is gone and thus not doing what we use to enjoy. Ahh growing up. I didn't realize it meant constant re-calibration and I fight my mind and heart as to what is right. Some enjoy or wait for all? The waiting is killing a lot of the good we use to enjoy. Figuring out how to mother, manage, and maintain everyone and all that needs to be done it a constant war. Just when I think I might have a clue life shifts. Thank goodness for whoever captured this to remind me amongst all I think we are not we are still a lot that I like.

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