Tuesday, September 19, 2017

9.19.17 A wild night

Some nights things just seem to be off. Last night was one of those. All day I think and plan for what great peaceful things we will accomplish then as the time slips by and it comes closer to being together again life slowly or rapidly starts spinning out of control. 
At 2:30 I got a call the  cows were out. That determined I would pick up the kids from school. I hurried and made dinner then went and got the cowboys. 
After they got changed and were about ready to go I noticed a very white washing machine tub. We opened the door and suds spilled out for a while like minutes. We were catching them in a 5 gallon bucket and the floor. Aliza decided her shoes needed washing and used a lot of dish soap to do the job. 

They went to heard the cows after cleaning up  the mess. The cows went in, we ate and Anna headed to her night class- hate that!- We did family home evening it was not what I had envisioned but mission accomplished nonetheless.

After her class we stopped to help Greg. She was unable to push a release button while standing on the ground so she got a ride in a mini. Cheap amusement rides all while discussing some of the recent high school turmoil.

"Anna Anna release the button!" So much for going to bed early and starting the day fresh. We milk as much as we can out of each day and just try to cover the bases, needs, and chaos that happens with so many people coming and going. I'm glad this day resolved into peace. It is so hard to move from the absolute right and wrong of childhood to the many versions of good and bad in a world of free adults. I'm thankful for a great husband to counsel with, who supports us,  and takes over in teaching and teasing out truth and error. And I'm thankful for our patient forgiving kids who learn with us. And odd moments that keep us smiling and actively moving forward or upward.

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