Wednesday, September 13, 2017

9.13.17 Hoco week

This week is homecoming at the high school. Having 2 high schoolers definitely changes the speed and focus around here. The kids elementary school decided to support and also dress up for the week. Monday color day, tuesday cowboy up day and today is super hero or villain day. Red heads are generally villains.  So we got creative! 

The Riddler

Black Widow

Before they left. John is such a fun kid and he loves to ask and make up riddles. It took some convincing to get him to be the riddler but with his hair and wit it was such an obvious fit. Aliza came up with her own costume and just rocks the look!
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and sunglasses

Poison Ivy. 
Harold went for WOlverine, but was out chasing cows this morning with Greg until last minute so I did not get a picture of him. As soon as they left the neighbor called to say the other cows were out and asked for kids to come put them in. I told her all the capable kids were gone but I suited up in work clothes and went to check. Green manure on my shoes and hands later I thought this is not what happens to most designers in a 12 hour period.  Life on a farm is diverse!
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing

This week is fashion week in New York City. As I hand appliqued leaves, crafted a skirt and then sewed leaves onto one of my shirts for Anna, after hand painting John's riddler shirt, I thought I am a fashion designer too. My burned fingers from the hot glue gun, glitter around my nails, and gorilla glue that threatened to glue my fingers together made it a real and a humorous experience. After enduring a very long FFA parent meeting, picking raspberries, and running to Ontario to get supplies. I always wanted to design clothing. Now I get to when the fancy strikes, or the ASB deems it is time.
I like making modest fun interpretations of others ideas. I love these kids of mine and I love creating!

I think Anna may a chip off the block. She volunteered to help with the Homecoming poster. She is very artistic. I think it turned out very nice.

The competition. Juniors and Seniors in Blue.

HArold competed in Dodge Ball Monday night. It was so loud. I unfortunately missed his game but watched an hour of other kids playing. Dodgeball has changed a lot since I was a kid. It was loud fiercely competitive and a fun flashback to what I remember of high school. Raw enthusiasm, youthful exuberance and athleticism, pride, and insecurity all wrapped in one hot, screaming, package. Good times. He was the last man standing on his team and finally was overpowered by the seniors. I wish I could have seen that but the anxiety watching him might have killed me.

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