Wednesday, September 20, 2017

9.20.17 Wild cows

This is not  a good picture. The little poem the cow jumped over the moon... well cows most definitely jump over fences, bushes, small ditches etc. They are fast awnry critters when thy get wild. This fall with the changing weather the abundant lush grass is slowing down and hte cows are looking at the greener offerings on the other side of their fences. We came home the night before to this lovely lady munching on some corn stalks and alfalfa outside the fence. Sons were instructed to go fix the fence. I canned until dark. The next morning another son and daughter we instructed to make sure the fence was fixed. When they came in to go to school I asked if the fence was hot. No was the reply. I hoped the cows would just comply and stay in.
Around 9 I looked out and no such luck she was out. I didn't worry until she started moseying up and down the road. I didn't want a dead cow or hurt person on my hands and realized I was going to have to address the problem. So I went to fix fence. After doing a pretty good job, I thought, I attempted to get her back in the pen. After adjusting the pen for her to walk back in - cows will get out any which way but going back in must be with as little effort and as big a hole as an elephant herd could go through. Her pen mate was quite content till that moment when he decided I had just let him out too. I was in trouble with two against one. Thank goodness my father-in-law showed up and herded those cows back in the pen. He then walked the fence and found some errors I had made. Alas the cows were in and I was not too late to my appointment.

Neener neener...the fence was leaning on the phone box thus shorting out. After mowing, pulling, bending and removing all the weeds and grass that was touching the fence and replacing an insulator the fence has held tight for a week.

A pretty experienced fence worker. I am choosing not to learn fencing as I don't want to do that job. But sometimes I have to make exceptions and get busy with crash course learning.

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