Monday, September 11, 2017

9.11.17 Fall Bounty

Well time and work never stops here on the farm the manner in which we spend the time and do the work does however change. We are so thankful for the bounty of the fall. Earlier in the summer I had worried about all the empty jars that filled my shelf. Home canned food is a major staple of our country living and raising these many open mouthed baby birds. It's always with trepidation that we end July and head into August. But sitting here almost mid September I feel like a full bear ready to go hibernate. We did green beans galore, then moved on to corn, and gleaned a couple tons of potatoes. Then we were blessed with some over abundant tomatoes which kicked off fall canning. We make spaghetti sauce, of which we had used every jar this past year. Spaghetti is my kids favorite everyday if they could meal. I personally can't hardly stand it. oh well mom compromise. 

We moved on to peaches, peach jam, pears, and salsa. We still have more to do of the fruit and tomatoes. The kisd are champions making light work of a lot of work. We started listening to the orphan keeper this weekend that helped divert the mundane sticky task of peeling thousands of pears.

And a smoky sunset showing the much prayed for rain spots on the window.

The country is in upheavel with the many different natural disasters. I am thankful to be preparing for another year. To have my children circled about me visiting, teasing, whining, and working. I love times like these when we are all sharing the accomplishment of a common goal.  These will be some of my fondest mom memories I think. I am truly blessed.

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