Tuesday, September 12, 2017


It's not all work. One night after mutual the kids got out to play while I visited. It was so cute watching Bruce follow Harold around and watch in awe as Harold tossed and caught. Bruce adores his big brothers and sisters but holds a special fondness for Anna and HArold. He positively lights up when they come home or into view. 

We took a quick run to Twin Falls for Labor Day. We always try to visit the temple when we travel because generally they are very close to where  we are staying. The girls had a quick in and out visit. Harold and Greg went later in the day again quick in and out. Such a blessing to be so close. For us to go it's over an hour drive one way, the places we visit generally under 10 minutes.

The little girls enjoying the freedom of being home without big kids. They play dolls a lot, swing, pick raspberries, watch movies, and "make messes." Such a nice experience to have siblings to share the journey with. I love how mature Afton is getting to be. She is becoming real pals with Bruce staying up late to visit with Greg when he comes home. They are real partners in robbing dad's dinner plate.

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