Monday, November 20, 2017

11.19.17 Family Time

My truck driving buddy. He was such a trooper riding for hours patiently delivering ton after ton of corn. I am thankful for this little guy who is getting more independent and insistent on having life on his own terms. He loves all things boy and is thankful for his big brothers who provide lots of rides, throws, and play. 

One of the last glorious days of spring we spent some time raking the multitude of leaves. It was a great time working with the younger section of our family. Bruce discovered shovels. As addie and Mark cleaned up areas with a shovel Bruce mimicked using a plastic spoon to also move dirt and debris. We got a lot done, but with leaf raking there is always so much more to do. The older kids have been gone a lot this fall building fence in between activities related to the Meridian temple dedication so this is he crew I'm left with. They are all getting older and more capable and it's a good thing the olders are gone so these kiddos develop their muscles and talents.

Family reading time. 5 of us read the book American Sniper. We jockeyed for who got to read when. here Greg is reading with 3 others. One perk of our releases from church leadership is a reclamation of Sunday Family time. It has been so refreshing to snuggle, be close, talk, laugh and be together as a family.

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