Wednesday, November 8, 2017

11.8.17 Driving truck

For the first time in my married life I have been working. I have been driving truck for my in-laws. I really enjoyed the feeling of power and competence 20 years ago... I still do but it's much more complicated these days. 

I'm a mom of lots of kids and that requires lots of time just to keep the show going. Not to mention the constant need for someone to take care of them. Well I had heard stories of moms taking their kids in the trucks over 30 years ago and figured if it worked then it would work now. The carseat fit perfectly and the girls are little enough to share a seat so off we went when the big kids went to school Monday. They did so well. We talked and sang, colored, and looked at the world going by a little slower in a truck. Honestly it was eye opening to spend so much time in close proximity to my kids.

While I was gone Saturday the big kids worked and worked on building fence under the direction of GRandma. I don't regret leaving them when they are learning from her. They have become confident strong happy workers under her tutelage.

Surprising how tired one can get just sitting all day. But man I live in a beautiful place. The gorgeous fall days the beautiful bounteous fields that surround. I know city people can't fathom why anyone with half a brain would reside here but I feel the same about the crowded noisey bustle of their home places. Thank goodness for freedom and opportunity to allow us all to be where we want to be and not be forced to share what we don't want!

So I gained renewed confidence that I can still do hard things with added difficulty of multiple people under my care. I learned I am super lucky to be able to stay home to not have to split my time out of the home. I learned Sunday is such a blessed day of rest and change from work. Such a gift! I learned night time takes a lot of energy and I need a reserve to do the homework, listening, cooking/cleaning, running that is required when everyone comes home. And I elarned I like to visit with different people and need to make more of an effort to leave my house to associate with others as it fills part of me I have been missing.
As I have been pondering my direction in life and the what do I do now question these past few months there have been some tender opportunities that have helped me gain insight and direction as I proceed forward and yet live daily in the reality of a large family with lots of littles still at home. Life is good and God is a patient teacher.

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