Monday, November 6, 2017

11.5.17 sunday

Some Sundays  are full of running around visiting and meetings. Some are full of resting and just hanging out. And some rare days are filled with not so good times. As I sat down in Sunday school yesterday Bruce began puking. I quickly exited thinking I had contained his spewing to just us but alas we got some chairs and sprinkled a few people who were in our path. Sorry. They kindly endured and cleaned the chairs and resumed class. I cleaned the baby continued to hold his head while he puked in a sink and then cleaned that portion of the bathroom. He had covered his clothes so I stripped him to his diaper. I was so thankful I had headed a small prompting to wear a shirt with my dress that previously I had only wore a tank top with as I covered it with a jacket. The said jacket was also covered in vomit so I removed that and dealt with the cold in my dress and shirt. We went to the car and cuddled finding some coats in the car. Thank goodness we had not cleaned it out removing all necessary extra pieces of clothing. 
We went to the luncheon where bruce puked immediately following the family group picture but thankfully he didn't puke while the picture was staged as that would have been too much family love. I ate in the kitchen with him snuggled nad asleep on my lap. The kids played and enjoyed their cousins. We helped clean up and then loaded up for the ride home when Livy announced her tummy hurt. We handed her another leftover from the night before and empty dinner container and yep about 3 minutes into our drive she began  puking as well. She was a champ and got it all in the container. WE stopped to clean her up on the side of the road and continued on with her puking about 10 minutes later. HArold thought it was funny to also mimic puking. We were not impressed. We got home and got cleaned up. She continued to vomit every half hour or so. Greg wanted to go do some visiting and these are pictures of Mark holding him down so he couldn't leave, and then MArk jumping off.

We worked to get that picture slow enough to show his cool body structure. He is our sturdiest kid. Yet he's still a kid. It was comforting to hold him on my lap when we were barring Greg from helping me leave. MArk loves to play and he is a special kid who has deep interest in life and living and who is fun and kind. He loves and is so much more comfortable to be around as he matures and can do more and more responsible tasks.
Well I gave in because Greg was right I needed to go visit with him. My phone got left behind, sadly, because the kids started calling about half and hour later come home. When are you coming home? Addie is puking come home!
By the time we got home Millie was also puking. I found my phone and these little gems they captured and self-indited while I was gone.

Further proof of why they need and do work outside so much of the time. Because they are more dangerous than the big bad wolf to the wholeness of my home although they were happy when I got home.
The poor sick girls they puked  a lot but had a fairly peaceful night. Livy seems better today as` is Addie I think. Aliza however succumbed in the night and is home resting today.

The nurses. By nighttime they were both better. I had started the day thinking AFton had an earache but think she was just battling a sore tummy.

Another chapterxq in life in our family. I was sick a lot as a kid basically a nervous wreck until I got married and calmed down a bit. So puking and I have a long long history. I feel their pain and understand the experience and am so thankful it passes pretty quickly and they are so good at hitting the bowl.

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