Thursday, November 30, 2017

11.30.17 Hugs from David

The morning started listening to David Bednar conference talk about the Exceeding great and Precious Promises of the gospel. Fitting for the day and experiences the family has been having. I moved on to making breakfast fro the hungry crew. First songs up on Pandora Come thou Fount of Every Blessing, which Melissa (the mom) sang at my Papa Corn's funeral years ago. Then Families can Be together For However and Be Still My Soul! Balm from Gilead, I'd say. 

I had been pleading for peace. My assigned job at the funeral was meet and mingle. Talk to people receive their condolences and help represent the family as a whole and shield Dan and Melissa. After an emotional viewing the night before I wasn't sure I could suck it up enough. But the morning filled with soothing feelings and messages of comfort and promise meant I was dry eyed throughout the pre-funeral time. The funeral was beautiful (and I cried a lot). The grandfather's did an amazing job explaining the Plan of Salvation, the purpose that can be gained from these tragic losses and the invitation to learn of the Savior Jesus Christ. Melissa sang her testimony in a strong sweet voice "I Stand All Amazed" it was the most beautiful moment I have witnessed. Dan stood and proclaimed he and his family choose joy and to love more. It was the power of the Holy Spirit being shown forth.

There were dry eyes coming out of that funeral. There was reverence and amazement. My brother and his wife are incredible people who are blessed so richly by 1000's of prayers being offered on their behalf. There is truth in the blessings that can come from a truly broken heart and contrite spirit. 

It's rare to be a pall bearer before you are an adult. The youngest honorary pall bearer was 4. he's in the left corner. The others are 6, 12, 10, 7, 15. Not sure on the other side of the family. The Camo ties were a nod to David's love of the military. 
The beautiful cousins enjoyed the flowers from the kind sympathizers. 

There was such an outpouring of love and support. Some choose to send flowers. Some sent cards and notes. Some bring food, clothes, turtles, or toilet paper. Most give hugs.
With all of the outpouring there was more than could be received by the family. We were happy to bring some of the flowers home to our house. We had some fun up our sleeves.

The little kids were restless and a bit too noisy at the funeral. We had to confiscate many tissue packets to try and placate Bruce. He eventually went out. But Addie informed us she never gets anything of her own and why does she always have to do without. Her language for, I need some  attention. She was my helper on this project. She did so well! As did the little girls.

We honored David's legacy and life by transforming those professional bouquets into smaller friendship bouquets for friends and neighbors. We took over 20 last night, gave 5 to the young women group in our ward to deliver and a few went to school today to teachers and administrator & bus driver.

Can you read the card? It says Hugs from David. So we would explain, through tears sometimes, these are flowers from my nephews funeral he gave hugs. We want to share some happiness with you! And we would hug! That was very hard. I lost it once at a sweet friends house. But that's how it goes when you love someone. It's good, it's hard, it's beautiful, and sometimes tearful.


I want my children to know that healing comes in many ways but serving others and building relationships of love are some of the best. Some of the homes we delivered flowers to were so in need that night. They reported "We had a terrible day and then you showed up with a smile, flowers and a hug!" That's what we hope to do. To be a friend and to listen to promptings to ease other's burdens as they walk this life on earth. One neighbor, the first to send messages of sorrow at David's passing, was having their anniversary but the same husband who noticed the connection, had been to busy to get flowers. We brought them, in lieu of his ability, not a coincidence. I was able to teach Addie that she is receiving promptings on who to love and lift and that God speaks to her young heart as well. 
There can be great and magnificent beauty from ashes. Although it is not a choice we would ever make to be burned to the ground. I share my witness though if we trust in that most generous builder our God and his Son Jesus Christ we can become healed, strong, and beautiful again. I have seen it in these few short days since my nephews death. 

We have been overwhelmed by the kindness and multitude of prayers that have been shared. It has been a privilege to share our witnesses of Jesus Christ and the feelings of comfort and strength from those prayers. We live in a great place with so many good people. We are blessed by the Hugs we had from David. 

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