Tuesday, November 7, 2017

11.7.17 Blessings in pictures

I went to bed Halloween night literally with tears in my eyes for being such a failure. We did not make trick-or-treating this year. A first for us. I just couldn't do it. I had been part of an accident at 5:00 and had no desire to go anywhere that night. Not to mention I had been driving truck all day for 3 days and was wiped out! 
Yet as I lamented the poor motherin and managmenet here I found this multitude of pictures stored on my phone the next day and realized we had had a fun week prior full of kind people who helped us have a great Halloween.

The pack meeting for cub scouts was a carnival. A highlight was the apple bobbing tank. Addie and John were successful. 

Greg always reminds me when I worry our kids are missing out on the fun things their peers enjoy. "Our kids are happy, they are pleasant, they are fine!" Is his retort. I am thankful to have caught John as he really is.

The little girls were dressed up with nowhere to go. They weren't denied much as we had donuts and hot chocolate and waiting for another day.

Some therapeutic baking. Never received a ticket until that day. Oh well I challenged HArold to go as long as I did and I would be one happy mom.
Our pumpkins came as a serendipitous chain of events. A friend called asking if we could use some winter squash I said sure, but did she know of any pumpkins for carving. She responded in the affirmative and we scheduled to meet in 5 minutes to make the trade and head to the pumpkin patch. I called the food bank manager and arranged to share the pumpkin and squash in a few hours and we headed to a pumpkin patch just over the hill from us. When we arrived we found more friends already there gleaning.

Literally that week I had been calling and checking on the availability and cost of visiting a pumpkin patch but it was cost and time prohibitive. I also desired my kids to interact with others and was hopelessly searching for someone for them to socialize with. Well this evening we found 6 other kids at the pumpkin patch with whom they shared the experience. It was an answer to prayers again. So simple so random and so wonderful. The night was gorgeously warm the kids were delighted and we were close to home and able to share with the food pantry and make the pack mtg carnival in a 2 hour window. I'm so grateful for answered prayers that are so perfect, and for kind friends who share their bounty and time with us.  THank goodness for pictures that reminded me how blessed I am and replaced the sad feelings of Not with abundant feelings of Enough!

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