Monday, October 14, 2019

10.14.19 HOCO week

All things homecoming were the focus last week. The kids got into the activities starting each day dressed up for the theme of the day. The girls were official counters for their respective classes. Tallying how many of their peers dressed up. 
First day America day. Rosie the Riveter showed up at VHS. 

The next day was impersonation day so Anna went as a pioneer.

Aliza as Lucille ball. I'm getting better at pinned up hair and false eyelashes. Who knew that was a mom job requirement? 

Next fake injury day. That was easy and fun. Everyone went to school sporting some catastrophic injury.

Next was decade day. A fabulous flapper and a fifties lady. Aliza got best dressed this day. Note the red lipstick wow!

And black and white day! My proud Viking football player.

The counting table. Also in full black and white support. 

One must-do for the week was the dodgeball tournament. As Harold gets stronger and more fit he is again able to showcase his athletic ability. He jumped and dodged at every turn and made this evening a night to watch. His team ultimately lost to the seniors but he had an impressive game.

And the pep assembly. My kids are tug o war enthusiasts/ Harold in front I think his team won but maybe not. I'm pretty sure Aliza's sophomore team won again. They won as freshmen too. 

A friend asked if I had noticed Aliza having a great time? I said no I hadn't seen that picture it took some looking and some cropping but here it is. My super competitive daughter has school and year spirit and has a good time! She's next to her best friend in the blue jacket.

I preach a lot about enjoying where you are at in life right now. Not wishing it away or hoping for another time. These oldest kids have engaged in high school both academically, clubs, and even sports wise. They seek to be involved and work to be a part of the good that high school can be. There are plenty of challenges and differences but there is a lot of good. We work hard to see the good and be part of the good. A teacher messaged me Sunday night thanking me for raising decent human beings. That's my hope.

This same week a close family friend passed away in a sad and totally unexpected accident. His passing and the ensuing visits with members of the family brought back many memories of my growing up. His funeral today was a literal reunion of my peer members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It was tender to see their happiness, their growth and yet their sameness. These are the people I wish I had the obligatory class reunions with. Likewise, people that were my youth leaders and examples were there. This teenage time is so pivotal and far-reaching. I was blessed with many strong, fun, encouraging, and unique youth and adults. I hope and pray my children are also surrounded by such support. We are working towards also being part of that wall for others. 

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