Tuesday, October 15, 2019

10.15.19 HOCO game & dance

Well all the hoopla was about this the big football game which happened to be against the true rivals Nyssa. This was a nailbiter. First half Vale held them scoreless and it was a pretty big boost to the terribly matched up contest of the week before where Vale was pitted against one of the best in Idaho state. Heartbreaking and soul-crushing could be mild descriptions of that event. So this week Vale came out a bit nervous but eager to show they were winners. They did and then they downshifted and the game became tense int he fourth quarter when Nyssa came alive and fought back to come within tying the game in the last minute. An added difficulty was the weather it was COLD! Like, wear lots of layers and huddle in a blanket cold. I did that the first half but the second I sat with my grandma and shivered. IT was good to visit with her and another fan. The best signal of all was the refs saying run the clock! The boys ended up the winners and are shown below receiving the wagon wheel trophy again for the second year in a row. Harold did not play if I would have known he was just going to watch I would have been tempted to stay home. 

We finally wrestled the phone out of our editing hacker Addie she loves to play with the settings. She is a fun lady full of creativity and hope and dreams for me getting my act together and her getting to be as cool as she knows she is.

The next day was full as usual. I took Mark and all the kids to town where the older kids worked on the FFA scholarship auction, Mark went and drove tractor, and the other kids and I went on a grocery run. We stopped at my sisters and I ended up visiting with the sister of the man who had died. Also my best friend growing up. My phone died and all my thought processes of what was needed at home disappeared too. We got some groceries I avoided Walmart and headed home.
Only to remember a few hours later that Anna needed make-up!!! I watched some tutorials on youtube and the internet and hurried to town at 4:45 in hopes of finding something to spiff her up a bit. I called a sweet sister-in-law who graciously answered amidst her celebration for her child's baptism and she helped walk me through some ideas. This is the pile. Any possibility I got. $50 later and we had a prayer of spiffing up. Toothbrushes are another story but a needed item.
Rushed home to find Alena tediously straightening Anna's voluminous hair. That took an hour. I started applying makeup. Aliza woke up and demanded some changes so we tried again and got a better look. 

That's kinda how this whole deal has been. Last-minute oh man what are we going to do. But in the end it was all wonderful and worth the work. Marti Bair a friend, leader, and teacher helped Anna get a date. Harold asked his date via help and encouragement from Uncle Justin and Addie. He asked her dad to verify her age and to get his permission. That was good. He too had a great time. 

The couples meeting for dinner. Anna was officially meeting her date, she knew him from dances but not well. He was very impressive because he works! To us that work all the time that is impressive. He had blisters on his hand from splitting concrete all day. Anna was impressed!

My mom offered to make dinner. When Harold asked Lizzie what she liked she said Chick Fillet. Not an option in our neck of the woods, Annas date suggested Mexican or Indian food. My mom makes excellent Mexican. The kids ate alone in her dining room, then played games. They had to be shooed out the door as they were having lots of fun doing that.

On to the wild dance and dessert elsewhere. It was a great evening. I spent my time with my date in his truck he has engineered together. Proud of his ingenuity and stubborn determination even though it has taken more late nights than I can count or was happy about. The moon was beautiful though. 

My heart was full of gratitiude the entire day for good kids, good families, and the good choices these kids were making. They were all busy doing their activities and responsibilities for the day their date started at 7 because of that but they had great conversation, they were happy and they have no regrets just good memories of a nice evening. That is my hope for all their dates. I'm so thankful they found kids who shared that desire.

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