Saturday, October 19, 2019

10.19.19 Corn Day

"A consecrated life is filled with work, sometimes repetitive, sometimes menial, sometimes unappreciated but always work that improves, orders sustains, lifts, ministers, aspires." D. Todd Christofferson, Reflections on a Consecrated Life

I ponder almost daily on the differences in my family's life and those on facebook and other blogs I read. There are never pictures of weekends spent entertaining ourselves. Instead, it seems our favorite hobby is working together. I can honestly say it's easier to manage the crew if they are busy. They are united in disliking what we do sometimes. They can get a lot done. They are pretty cute kids, and nothing confronts a bad attitude like a job you don't want to do and no way to leave it unless you just finish, I do really love that part when dealing with teenagers. 

This day we went to pick up corn. The combine operator had failed to notice he wasn't harvesting rather just dumping the corn. This is a criminal offense in our neck of the woods, waste all that hard work??? No way! So we went and spent some time together picking up the corn. 

Some were less pleased than others. Some did more than others. The little girls rotated through picking up and playing with LIa in the car as it was too cold for her in the field.

We persisted in filing up the pickup and the trailer. I taught the kids what full really means.

We finished the corn and went to town for our weekly shopping trip. We had a quick trip to a local farm stand with awesome produce. Such a delight to see natures bounty. 

We took the corn home and unloaded our pile. That was much easier than loading it.

The younger kids took a few minutes to enjoy riding home in the back of the pickup and shelling some of the corn. Simple pleasures with siblings that are your partners in work and play are the best kinds of days. So no we don't leave our 100 mile radius often. We don't spend much time on pleasure. But we eat well, we share our misery and joy, and we are a family trying to choose the better part.

These are not coerced smiles. Each path is different we just work to end up in heaven together eternally. Another day spent with purpose and a measured outcome. I love being the mom!

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