Tuesday, October 15, 2019

10.15.19 apples

We have had a normal fall. Lots of harvesting and gathering and lots of time together. High levels of stress and goodness. This day we went to the neighbor's orchard and began harvesting apples. I have been picking apples here for years. This year under new ownership the orchard looked completely different. Rain had fallen overnight and this was by far the coldest wettest harvest I have ever worked in. The kids were troopers though and we got about half the 60 trees picked while we were there. 

These two worked well together clearing tree after tree.  They work best if just left alone.

Alivia worked with me. I am striving to teach her she can do much much more than she thinks. Sometimes we have success and sometimes we have struggle. Nonetheless she picked lots of apples this day.

Almost an inch of water gathered from the rain overnight. Those apples are about 4-5 inch in diameter. Sometimes while picking apple dew would drop straight into the mouth. It was interesting.

We did a bit of taste testing. The kids love the yellows as that's a primary apple we can and what they are use to. I was delighted by the red delicious. That was my grandfather's apple of choice. He would peel them after lunch with his pocket knife and share slices. One bite took me back to spending time with him. It is always surprising what strikes tender memories.

After picking for a few hours it was time to sort. This bin was apples for cider.

Finished totes of apples. We live in such an abundant land. Truly I am awed by all that is produced here.

We were interested to learn last night that one of the promises of God is the righteous receive rest! Being int he thick of harvest season and end of the quarter rest is a highly sought after expereince. I told the kids sometimes it's a promise of joy, a promise of peace, or a mansion above and now we find that God also talks to the weary and the heavy laden he will give us rest! Life is good and we are blessed.

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