Wednesday, October 16, 2019

10.16.19 Tide Pods

In the midst of all the hoco activities I was busily working away at home. Mondays are my big attack the laundry days along with some more on Weds to get clean jeans for Thursday and do more on Friday and Saturday. So I was working through clean clothes and heard gagging sounds while I was hanging clothes on the line. I turned around to see blue running out of Bruce's mouth and realized he had tasted a Tide pod. A friend bought them on mistake for me. I knew this was serious so I rushed overtook another pod from Alia and scooped Bruce up to take him to the bathroom, he was all the while spitting and gagging. I began rinsing his mouth out and telling him to spit. He did not like that and assured me he was fine. well a few minutes later he was still spitting so we tried a different approach at the sink. 

This was a fun game! He swished and spit for another 3 minutes or so ran off then came back for another round. He was fine, Lia was fine, and I had to stop AFton when I returned to doing laundry. Seriously! I was so glad to finally use the last pod later that day. I was not impressed and less so after the spitting ordeal.

So I sat down and put my feet up and let Lia cook lunch! Not really as you can see our norm mac and cheese and or peanut butter. HEalthy I know, will they eat it and not complain and get full? YES!.

It is a hard transition though to move from whatever you will eat little kid o eating with dad. Millie cries over her bowl of mush many mornings. She got cold cereal when being an at-home kid, but the school kids eat mush! Hearty good for you mush. Oh yuck! She will learn.

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