Friday, October 18, 2019

10.18.19 Birthday's

My sweet John with his new "rakish" nose. He had a collision at recess with another boy and walked away very bloody with a new nose. He told me last night it would be his "rakish pirate nose!" I told him it was more like a J nose. Nonetheless alls well that ends well, I hope. 
John is a Joy in our home. He is not complicated, he is witty and smart. He loves to wrestle and rough house. He loves to tease and to eat. He is our resident Hobbit, three breakfasts and lunches and dinner with several being desserts would be just right for him. John is insightful and thinks deeply. He remembers what he reads and hears. He is strong and keeps going. He just plugs along until a job is done. He is quiet so he can do what he wants. He is pleasant to be around, not much arguing, back talk or angst. BLESS HIM! He is a big guy 6 feet and counting I'm excited to see where he ends up. Mostly I'm just thankful he gives such sweet hugs and is a joy to have in our home. 

Some days you just get in a bind. This was so funny as it was happening. Afton went to retrieve a ball they had overthrown. Well, she literally got in over her head. Only her feet were left out. Bruce attempted to help but she was too far gone. 
I came to the rescue pulling out the couch and giving her room to maneuver herself out of the hole. Those two are fun trouble. They sure enjoy having the big kids gone. 

This little lady is one year old. She got a baby doll for her birthday. She thought that was pretty neat. She too is busy learning and exploring. Her favorite activity is to be in the kitchen with me moving items from one drawer or cupboard to the next. As most of my lower cupboards are broken and thus open she has free access to the contents. She is happy just moving from one to the other. I am amused at her work. She has recently taken to climbing and has joined me in food prep standing proudly on a bucket by my side. She also likes to be set on the counter to watch me chop and prep

 She insists on being part of the action and we are thankful for her sweet spirit that brings more love into our home. She snuggles happily with any of her older siblings and perches strongly on many of her brother's shoulders for rides. She hollers when she is handled too much but mostly just goes with the flow. She is curious and loving. I'm so thankful she came to our home. That was the promise I had before she came to be that it was my choice to have another and if I did I would be blessed but it was fine if I didn't too. I'm so thankful for choosing to add her to our table. We love our Lia Lia.

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