Sunday, October 31, 2021

10.31.21 Some more October

An important right of passage, the Drivers License. This process has gotten markedly easier through the years. Now if driver's ed is completed all you do is provide identification paperwork and money and voila you get a drivers license. So much less stress than in my day. John then chauvered me around. Minus Mark heckling him he did great and seems to be a careful driver. 
Later that night was the annual rival game. My attempt to capture John on the field. He played well. My photographer friend showed up shortly thereafter and saved me from these far away attempts. She does a great job. 
Lia cooking herself spaghetti. She figured this out all by herself. This is not how I cook spaghetti exactly, but it worked out and she was sure proud of herself for making what she wanted to eat. I have been gone a lot lately with big kid stuff the younger ones are doing well fending for themselves. There was a dinner made, shepherds pie, but the younger kids are much bigger fans of noodles and sauce. Since mom wasn't there to say no, that's what they made noodles with sauce. Ahh, independence is such a tricky thing. 
Life is good and it's not all bad to have some space to do what you want. Mom's can be such an inhibition to growing! I'm thankful all was well and for the many many hours Addie and Livy have taken very good care of their siblings. 

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