Monday, December 6, 2021

12.6.21 Football Send-off and Wrap up

This week of Novemeber I had to stop following so many mom groups on facebook. There are some really creative moms with lots of ideas. I just can't keep up with so many different ways to show your child you care. John was heading to the playoff game and while I knew I couldn't go I relized about 30 minutes prior to leave time we could support the noise parade. I hunted for what we had available and made some quick signs on the back of pictures Livy and Millie had painted. We went to the shop and waited. The kids were good sports, and honestly we were about the first ones the bus saw. It was our small contribution to cheering on the team. We can't do big but we can do something. 

John had a great spot to watch from. He did not play but was able to learn a lot!
Our activity day group made Christmas cards for the missionaries from our ward. IT was a fun activity the kids did a great job now to get them in a mail! I'm so thankful for technology as the actual putting a stampe on soemthing and getting it to a delivery box is so hard for me. 
After much stressing, evaluating, and reality checks I decided a card with a note was about all I had to give to my missionaries. We love them, we are so grateful they are in our family but we have never been big party people. Livy and I enjoyed making the cards. 

little ones are so uncomplicated and expect little more than food, attenion and basic needs met. A breath of fresh air compared to all these super duper expensive options from the higher up's. 
We came home from visiting during the Thanksgiving week and found this. My sweet little boys fell asleep waiting for us. 

 And big Little Lia and I went to the dentist she has 5 teeth that need some work. Oh yay! She did great we will hope the actual procedures go so smoothly. 

November has been super busy, cold, and demanding. I have a pile of pictures and want to chronicle them. As always time is limited but how thankful I am to keep surviving and that each day we are still all together. Sleep is a divine gift, as is heat. Life is good. 

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