Thursday, February 10, 2022

2.10.22 Missionary Chats

Mondays are fun days that involve a fair amount of time reviewing pictures having spontaneous chats with my missionaries and a few minutes of time seenig their faces via video calls. Harold had a great time this week at a district activity where they had a nerf gun battle. 

My activity kids also want to do this activity. This gave me some ideas. I have learned a lot about mission life through continued discussions with these two. It's not all deep reverence there is a lot of learning to work with others, caring, living on your own, and just general life. I'm thankful they are getting this time to learn and grow. I love how this is all couched in intense and focused spiritual study and teaching. I think there is a lot to learn about this principal. Take the time to make Christ and the gospel part of each day. Share when we can. Seek to do better with those around us. 
Anna has quite an atheltic group as well. After all the  years of high school valiently protecting her fragile teeth she is having a good time being a serious competitor although not super practiced with her fellow missionaries. So far her teeth are fine. 
Bruce has a brand new primary teacher who really works hard to be interesting. Last week they built the city of Enoch with Blocks. Bruce wasn't much into that but had a great time building a cannon to bomb the city. 
This week his peers made boats to keep their animals safe. Bruce was adamant his animals wanted to swim instead of get on the ark. They are turtles after all. I see a drowned pig at the bottom of his sink though. I really love the come follow me program we have great discussions. 

I'm thankful for all the effort teachers put in every week. Merle even survived nursery for the first time all the way through. It really helps when his cousin Myla can be there too. A friend makes any situation more fun and safe. After a year in primary I have relaxed my expectations and worry level a lot. My counselors and their spouses are first line for subbing. They are so willing. We have incredible creative and talented music people. I'm thankful to get to see so many people use their talents every week including the kids. Primary is a great place to serve. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a calming strengthening influence. I'm thankful to have it as part of my everyday life. We are blessed

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