Friday, February 11, 2022

2.11.22 Full table

I have a full table. Even when we are missing some the bench fills up and it takes a lot of food to fill these reluctant bellies. Livy turned ten this week. The older kids were at a basketball game so we only had the younger half here. They are busy and still enjoy simple things. While we didn't do cake we did take time to tell her how we all love her- top on the list she is fun to play with, she is artistic and creative, she doesn't complain and is a fun sister. 
After a dentist appointment for Lia and Millie we came home to a work on some valentine's projects. It was fun way to spend some time with these younger kids. They did well and we enjoyed the sunshine. 

A day later a neighbor showed up with 50 lbs of brown sugar. We do eat sugar so we set to work dividing it up. We had  sugar all over! 

In the end we made cookies and are super thankful for the generous gifts we receive. 

 Life is good. I'm trying to embrace the reality of the changes I know are coming. The commitment to keeping on through the stages of raising kids. I had a friend tell me yesterday I was brave to have children in this day and age. I was surprised I don't feel any more brave now than times past and my worries have not been about the state of the world, but rather about my endurance, ability to keep meeting needs, and keeping it all together. I guess all together is pretty relative though. Sometimes we expand to do great hard things, and sometimes we shrink to just manage to cover the bases each day. We have so many that love and care about us around us and praying for us. I'm truly so thankful for the many people who offer and do pray for us. I know all will be well. I know we can expand our family. I know this is gonna work out I just don't know when or exactly what the path looks like.  I have visions of lots of baby holding/protecting, lots of time at home and enduring the next season as well. Some tears, lots of smiles, tender whisperings and moments of goodness. It's gonna be good. And if it's going to be good it is good right now with where we are at today. 

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