Saturday, February 5, 2022

2.5.22 Activity Day Boats

One of the challenges of serving in the church is covering all the programs. One such is the activity day program where youth 8-11 meet twice a month to do some activities. I have joined a facebook group where I can see or read ideas from other leaders, we have had a planning meeting with the kids that went really well but the actual putting on the activity is sometimes challenging between my life, my co-host life, sickness etc. it's just another thing. However, when we do have activities- which honestly is pretty regular- I feel like they are very positive and good for the kids.
This week we are studying Noah's ark. I saw an activity for making paper boats. Our ward fun couple have been very willing to help us so I enlisted their help Sunday evening. They did not disappoint. 
The kids are applying crayon to both sides of tehir papers to help with water repellant. They had a good noisy time covering their pages with crayon. 
The actual folding went pretty well all things considered. 
We even had a discussion about NOah and his ark and how he kept out water and how we can keep sin out of our lives. 
The final challenge was raching the boats in rain gutters. This was fun and very tricky. 

The kids are usually hungry so we had baby yoda green frosting to frost our valentines cookies. 
While at the speaking contest Addie was home with the kids, she made a beautiful pink and a light green as the two frosting options. When she left the kitchen Bruce, Merle, and Lia all decided they too could make frosting and so we ended up with baby yoda green too much to toss, not enough food coloring to do more. Life. 
After activity days was the annual groundhog supper. My kids were really looking forward to that. We were crunched on time between their activitiy and Aliza's speaking. My parents helped and we enjoyed a yummy dinner at home. 

 Again we are thankful for all the hands that helped us accomplish all that we committed to in a one day. There are always kids to watch, feed, and care for in the back of any activity. There is a family with chores and work, there is one person working at something new. Life is good and we are praying for the snow the groundhog said would be coming. We really really need it if we are going to farm this year. Water is crucial to western living. 

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