Wednesday, February 9, 2022

2.9.22 Everyday Snaps

The girls happily brought home a flier last week of an upcoming Daddy daughter dance. This group of girls were the little sisters when the older girls got to go and came home with prizes, stories, and pictures of their especial date with dad. Everyday these girls asked if it was time for the dance. On the day of the dance they asked hourly when dad was coming home? I was glad when the hour finally came, Addie braided hair and the girls happily escorted their dad out the door. They had a good time learning to dance and being the focus of his attention. I'm so thankful traditions are coming back and we have such kind community members who invite us to their activities. This is hosted by another church, it does make me wonder if we couldn't learn to share better. 

At home we enjoyed waiting for the report. I think we watched a movie. Lia was so sad to not go this time. She has to be a little bigger and it's about all Greg can do to entertain 3 eager dancers. 
Bruce wanted a picture of him. He's such a busy guy. He needs lots of activity in these cold slow days there is not enough to expend his boundless supply of activity. 

Alivia has been asking Addie to bring home Black Beauty. One of her sisters told her she should read it. Finally Addie brought it home and Livy was happy to be whisked away to another time with a time honored Horse hero. This was a great picture. 
She was deeply saddened by the ending. She was articulate in her feelings about the story and eager to try another chapter book by herself. This sparks hope for me as I've been waiting on this day. As my wise brother told me over 20 years ago it's not that they can't read it's that they aren't reading what interest them enough to spend the time. This has been proven with Livy's most recent break through. 

Another Monday another bloody nose for Merle. This time off the bench unaided. And I was just messaging with the kids not live talking. 

This is after, these gunny kids are growing up and waiting anxiously on spring. The lesson I'm learning right now is have faith, don't give in to fear and there is necessity and time passing. Sometimes it's just that time has to pass. Everything is not always speed and accomplishment there's a lot of preparing however that looks and whatever that requires. My mantra going into this next baby delivery is "Come what may and love it, and I trust in God and know he has prepared a way." 

We are blessed and I see that everyday. Life is good. 

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