Tuesday, February 15, 2022

2.15.22 More Snuggly

It's always on my mind how my kids are relating to what I'm trying to create in our family or home life. Recently Afton told GReg that I'm more snuggly lately. 

I thought those were interesting words. Actually I like to be touched much less in this very large stretched out state. I'm hyper aware of my body and don't have a lot more to share physically. However, I think with her limited vocabulary she was referencing mom is more available to sit by, to curl around, and to be with. In short mom isn't running all over. Mom is sitting a lot. Mom is available. Mom is doing stuff with us. Her observation has made me think a lot about what my place as the mom in our family is. I'm often the doer the worker getting stuff taken care of and done not necessarily the loving take time to be with my kids. The discomfort of a growing baby and stretching body has caused me to slow down and pass the time. Last week we made Valentines, the kids got creative in their coloring efforts. We really appreciate all who sent us Valentines in return.

We finally celebrated Livy and MArk's birthday with lemon sunshine cake. 
The kids love to watch mormon messags and any of the myriad of church videos on Sundays on the chromebooks. We bought the bigger tv so they didn't all have to huddle around a small screen. It is heartwarming to see them all together. 
Life is good we continue to wait and pass the days. We have drawn, colored, painted, sorted, organized, and cleaned. It's nice to have time to be our better selves. We are blessed.

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